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Автор - Эллен Датлоу

Эллен Датлоу

1949 г.
Ellen Datlow

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Творчество Эллена Датлоу

На нашем сайте представлены 13 книг автора Эллена Датлоу. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Монстры Лавкрафта
Монстры Лавкрафта

Приготовьтесь окунуться в завораживающий мир мастера современного ужаса - Говарда Лавкрафта! Ктулху, Шоггот, Йог-Сотот и прочие возвращаются во всей своей ужасающей красе. Монстры, созданные воображением великого Лавкрафта более полувека назад, оживают в историях современных писателей - Нила Геймана, Кейтлин Кирнан, Говарда Уолдропа и других. Все рассказы сопровождаются оригинальными иллюстрациями...

Snow White, Blood Red
Snow White, Blood Red

Once upon a time, fairy tales were for children...But no longer. You hold in your hands a volume of wonders--magical tales of trolls and ogres, of bewitched princesses and kingdoms accursed, penned by some of the most acclaimed fantasists of our day. But these are not bedtime stories designed to usher an innocent child gently into a realm of dreams. These are stories that bite--lush and erotic,...

Supernatural Noir
Supernatural Noir

A hit man who kills with coincidence... A detective caught in a war between two worlds... A man whose terrible appetites hide an even darker secret... Dark Horse once again teams up with Hugo and Bram Stoker award-winning editor Ellen Datlow (Lovecraft Unbound) to bring you this masterful marriage of the darkness without and the darkness within. Supernatural Noir is an anthology of ...

Lovecraft Unbound
Lovecraft Unbound

The stories are legendary, the characters unforgettable, the world horrible and disturbing. Howard Phillips Lovecraft may have been a writer for only a short time, but the creations he left behind after his death in 1937 have shaped modern horror more than any other author in the last two centuries: the shambling god Cthulhu, and the other deities of the Elder Things, the Outer Gods, an...

Queen Victoria's Book of Spells: An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy
Queen Victoria's Book of Spells: An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy

Gaslamp Fantasy, or historical fantasy set in a magical version of the nineteenth century, has long been popular with readers and writers alike. A number of wonderful fantasy novels, including Stardust by Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, and The Prestige by Christopher Priest, owe their inspiration to works by nineteenth-century writers ranging from Jane Austen, the ...

Премия «Локус»
2021 г.Лауреат
Премия «Хьюго»
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Премия «Локус»
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