На нашем сайте представлена 41 книга автора Юн Коги. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Ritsuka skips school so he can rest up - he needs to stay up late talking to Seven through Wisdom Resurrection. Ritsu-sensei and Nagisa-sensei join the conversation as observers, and Soubi and the Zero boys watch from Ritsuka's side...until a shocking truth is revealed about Seimei! Ritsuka still has love for his brother, but evidence is building that Seimei's fate might not have been wh...
As Ritsuka continues to mourn the loss of his older brother Seimei, he endures abuse from his mother, bullying at school, and the threat of new assassins who are targeting him. Will he be able to sort through it all and unlock the secret behind Seimei's death?
Seimei has been staying with a woman named Chaco and her bodyguard Nakahira, plotting his next moves. Apparently his life is in danger - under threat by the Seventh Moon - and he can remain safe by staying inside her house...
Soubi unexpectedly meets two new Zero warriors, Koya and Yamato, who then battle him and leaves him badly wounded. A concerned Ritsuki asks Natsuo and Yoji to teach Soubi about the relationship between a Fighter Unit and the Sacrifice. Later, Koya and Yamato battle Soubi a second time, but this time for a 2 on 2 battle with Ritsuka as Soubi's partner...
Angels are among us. They are scattered across the globe, living in our neighborhoods, observing humanity--the Earthian--in crisis...Chihaya and Kagetsuya have known each other since their days at school. They are friends...and possibly more. These two angels roam the world, compiling lists of the positive and negative traits of humanity. In the process they become involved in the lives of various...
По залитым жарким солнцем пустыням и сумрачным лесам континента Салсароа странствует отец Оливье в компании с темным эльфом Судзу, прорицателем Сядзаном и юной колдуньей Ори, которая скрывает не только свои намерения, но и свою истинную сущность. Что побудило этого богобоязненного священника покинуть братьев по ордену и отправиться в полное тягот и опасностей путешествие? Зачем он каждый день риск...
Священник ордена Васарии по имени отец Оливер оставляет служение церкви и пускается в далекое путешествие, чтобы разгадать тайну проклятого острова G, некогда основанного восставшим богом Гештальтом.
Священник ордена Васарии по имени отец Оливер оставляет служение церкви и пускается в далекое путешествие, чтобы разгадать тайну проклятого острова G, некогда основанного восставшим богом Гештальтом.
12-летний мальчик Рицука Аояги по прозвищу Loveless (Нелюбимый) расследует таинственную смерть своего старшего брата.
The mystery behind the death of his older brother was just the beginning...When 12-year-old Ritsuka discovers a posthumous message from his brother indicating he was murdered, he becomes involved in a shadowy world of spell battles and secret names. Together with the mysterious Soubi, the search to find Seimei's killer and uncover the truth begins! But in a world where mere words have unbelievable...
Ritsuka skips school so he can rest up - he needs to stay up late talking to Seven through Wisdom Resurrection. Ritsu-sensei and Nagisa-sensei join the conversation as observers, and Soubi and the Zero boys watch from Ritsuka's side...until a shocking truth is revealed about Seimei! Ritsuka still has love for his brother, but evidence is building that Seimei's fate might not have been wh...
As Ritsuka continues to mourn the loss of his older brother Seimei, he endures abuse from his mother, bullying at school, and the threat of new assassins who are targeting him. Will he be able to sort through it all and unlock the secret behind Seimei's death?
Seimei has been staying with a woman named Chaco and her bodyguard Nakahira, plotting his next moves. Apparently his life is in danger - under threat by the Seventh Moon - and he can remain safe by staying inside her house...
Soubi unexpectedly meets two new Zero warriors, Koya and Yamato, who then battle him and leaves him badly wounded. A concerned Ritsuki asks Natsuo and Yoji to teach Soubi about the relationship between a Fighter Unit and the Sacrifice. Later, Koya and Yamato battle Soubi a second time, but this time for a 2 on 2 battle with Ritsuka as Soubi's partner...
Angels are among us. They are scattered across the globe, living in our neighborhoods, observing humanity--the Earthian--in crisis...Chihaya and Kagetsuya have known each other since their days at school. They are friends...and possibly more. These two angels roam the world, compiling lists of the positive and negative traits of humanity. In the process they become involved in the lives of various...
По залитым жарким солнцем пустыням и сумрачным лесам континента Салсароа странствует отец Оливье в компании с темным эльфом Судзу, прорицателем Сядзаном и юной колдуньей Ори, которая скрывает не только свои намерения, но и свою истинную сущность. Что побудило этого богобоязненного священника покинуть братьев по ордену и отправиться в полное тягот и опасностей путешествие? Зачем он каждый день риск...
Священник ордена Васарии по имени отец Оливер оставляет служение церкви и пускается в далекое путешествие, чтобы разгадать тайну проклятого острова G, некогда основанного восставшим богом Гештальтом.
Священник ордена Васарии по имени отец Оливер оставляет служение церкви и пускается в далекое путешествие, чтобы разгадать тайну проклятого острова G, некогда основанного восставшим богом Гештальтом.
12-летний мальчик Рицука Аояги по прозвищу Loveless (Нелюбимый) расследует таинственную смерть своего старшего брата.
The mystery behind the death of his older brother was just the beginning...When 12-year-old Ritsuka discovers a posthumous message from his brother indicating he was murdered, he becomes involved in a shadowy world of spell battles and secret names. Together with the mysterious Soubi, the search to find Seimei's killer and uncover the truth begins! But in a world where mere words have unbelievable...
Ritsuka skips school so he can rest up - he needs to stay up late talking to Seven through Wisdom Resurrection. Ritsu-sensei and Nagisa-sensei join the conversation as observers, and Soubi and the Zero boys watch from Ritsuka's side...until a shocking truth is revealed about Seimei! Ritsuka still has love for his brother, but evidence is building that Seimei's fate might not have been wh...
As Ritsuka continues to mourn the loss of his older brother Seimei, he endures abuse from his mother, bullying at school, and the threat of new assassins who are targeting him. Will he be able to sort through it all and unlock the secret behind Seimei's death?
Seimei has been staying with a woman named Chaco and her bodyguard Nakahira, plotting his next moves. Apparently his life is in danger - under threat by the Seventh Moon - and he can remain safe by staying inside her house...
Soubi unexpectedly meets two new Zero warriors, Koya and Yamato, who then battle him and leaves him badly wounded. A concerned Ritsuki asks Natsuo and Yoji to teach Soubi about the relationship between a Fighter Unit and the Sacrifice. Later, Koya and Yamato battle Soubi a second time, but this time for a 2 on 2 battle with Ritsuka as Soubi's partner...
Angels are among us. They are scattered across the globe, living in our neighborhoods, observing humanity--the Earthian--in crisis...Chihaya and Kagetsuya have known each other since their days at school. They are friends...and possibly more. These two angels roam the world, compiling lists of the positive and negative traits of humanity. In the process they become involved in the lives of various...
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