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Автор - Judy Garton-Sprenger

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Творчество Judy Garton-Sprenger

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Judy Garton-Sprenger. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Английский язык
Inspiration 3
Английский язык
New Inspiration 1: Teacher's Book
New Inspiration 1: Teacher's Book

"New Inspiration" builds on the success of the Inspiration series and brings it up to date with new and fresh content.The four-level course takes teenagers from beginner to intermediate level, evolving with the students, reflecting their changing needs and interests. The new series takes all that is best from the original series and improves it with: - new and updated cross-curricular and...

Английский язык
New Edition Inspiration: Level 1: Student's Book
New Edition Inspiration: Level 1: Student's Book

New Inspiration takes all the best elements of the original course and adds some exciting new characteristics perfect for motivating and challenging teenage students. Popular aspects such as the authentic, varied and content-rich topics have been impreved and enhanced. The cultural and cross-curricular nature of these topics features strongly throughout New Inspiration, alongside the strong skills...

Английский язык
New Inspiration: Level 2: Student's Book
New Inspiration: Level 2: Student's Book

NEW INSPIRATION builds on the success of the Inspiration series and brings it up to date with new and fresh content. The four-level course takes teenagers from beginner to intermediate level, evolving with students and reflecting their changing needs and interests. The new series takes all that is best from the original series and improves it with: - new and updated cross-curricular and cul...

Школьные учебники
New Inspiration: Level 4: Workbook
New Inspiration: Level 4: Workbook

New Inspiration takes all the best elements of the original course and adds some exciting new characteristics perfect for motivating and challenging teenage students. Popular aspects such as the authentic, varied and content-rich topics have been improved and enhanced. The cultural and cross-curricular nature of these topics features strongly throughout New Inspiration, alongside the strong skills...

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