Джейн Роджерс (Jane Rogers) - английская писательница, сценарист, редактор и преподаватель. Джейн родилась в Лондоне в 1952 году. Она посещала Оксфордскую среднюю школу - частную школу для девочек. Затем она поступила в женский Кэмбриджский колледж Нью Холл (сейчас - колледж Мюррей Эдвардс). Там Джейн получила степень бакалавра искусств в области английской литературы в 1974 году. В 1976 она продолжила обучение в Университете Лестера (Великобритания) для получения Постдипломного сертификата в об...
Джейн Роджерс (Jane Rogers) - английская писательница, сценарист, редактор и преподаватель.
Джейн родилась в Лондоне в 1952 году. Она посещала Оксфордскую среднюю школу - частную школу для девочек. Затем она поступила в женский Кэмбриджский колледж Нью Холл (сейчас - колледж Мюррей Эдвардс). Там Джейн получила степень бакалавра искусств в области английской литературы в 1974 году. В 1976 она продолжила обучение в Университете Лестера (Великобритания) для получения Постдипломного сертификата в области образования, который дает право работать преподавателем.
В 1994 году Джейн Роджерс была выбрана в члены Королевского литературного общества (The Royal Society of Literature).
Профессор Джейн Роджерс преподавала писательское мастерство в Университете Аделаиды в Австралии, Сорбонне в Париже, а в настоящее время ведет курс в Университете Шеффилд Холлэм (Sheffield Hallam University) в Южном Йоркшире.
В 2010 году она провела месяц в Восточной Уганде, чтобы поставить радио шоу, освещающее проблему домашнего насилия, под названием 'African Archers'.
В настоящее время Джейн живет в Манчестере.
На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Джейн Роджерс. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
When God told Prophet John Wroe to comfort himself with seven virgins, his congregation gave him its daughters. So begins this provocative and immensely powerful novel, set in nineteenth-century England and based on actual events. Jane Rogers chronicles the nine months these women spend together until accusations of indecency and the trial that follows bring Wroe's household to its dramatic ...
The year is 1788, the place New South Wales. Marine Lieutenant William Dawes has arrived in the Antipodes to build an observatory, reform the convicts and understand the Aborigines. He is a good man who will be subject to many temptations. In England, now, a child is born. His mother knows he has extraordinary powers; his father knows he is a helpless cripple. Olla, defending and nurturing he...
In a chilling future, one 16-year-old girl is driven to the ultimate act of heroism. The Testament of Jessie Lamb, longlisted for the Man Booker Prize, is the breakout novel from award-winning author Jane Rogers. Its cunningly drawn characters and riveting vision of a dystopic future fraught with difficult moral choices will make The Testament of Jessie Lamb an instant favorite for fans of Kazuo I...
From the multi-award-winning and critically acclaimed author of The Testament of Jessie Lamb comes this riveting novel about the devastating secrets revealed in the midst of a disintegrating marriage. The story of a marriage, and of two lives in science. When Conrad fails to return from a conference, Eleanor wonders if it is because of the affair she is having? Or perhaps it is because his r...
Abandoned at birth and shuttled among foster homes, Nikki Black decides at twenty-eight to seek out her birth mother, intent on killing her. Nikki’s vengeance takes her to a remote island off the coast of Scotland, where both the beaches and the inhabitants are full of artifacts from the past that haunt the present. Here she discovers a witchlike mother who concocts remedies in her dank kitchen an...
When God told Prophet John Wroe to comfort himself with seven virgins, his congregation gave him its daughters. So begins this provocative and immensely powerful novel, set in nineteenth-century England and based on actual events. Jane Rogers chronicles the nine months these women spend together until accusations of indecency and the trial that follows bring Wroe's household to its dramatic ...
The year is 1788, the place New South Wales. Marine Lieutenant William Dawes has arrived in the Antipodes to build an observatory, reform the convicts and understand the Aborigines. He is a good man who will be subject to many temptations. In England, now, a child is born. His mother knows he has extraordinary powers; his father knows he is a helpless cripple. Olla, defending and nurturing he...
In a chilling future, one 16-year-old girl is driven to the ultimate act of heroism. The Testament of Jessie Lamb, longlisted for the Man Booker Prize, is the breakout novel from award-winning author Jane Rogers. Its cunningly drawn characters and riveting vision of a dystopic future fraught with difficult moral choices will make The Testament of Jessie Lamb an instant favorite for fans of Kazuo I...
From the multi-award-winning and critically acclaimed author of The Testament of Jessie Lamb comes this riveting novel about the devastating secrets revealed in the midst of a disintegrating marriage. The story of a marriage, and of two lives in science. When Conrad fails to return from a conference, Eleanor wonders if it is because of the affair she is having? Or perhaps it is because his r...
Abandoned at birth and shuttled among foster homes, Nikki Black decides at twenty-eight to seek out her birth mother, intent on killing her. Nikki’s vengeance takes her to a remote island off the coast of Scotland, where both the beaches and the inhabitants are full of artifacts from the past that haunt the present. Here she discovers a witchlike mother who concocts remedies in her dank kitchen an...
When God told Prophet John Wroe to comfort himself with seven virgins, his congregation gave him its daughters. So begins this provocative and immensely powerful novel, set in nineteenth-century England and based on actual events. Jane Rogers chronicles the nine months these women spend together until accusations of indecency and the trial that follows bring Wroe's household to its dramatic ...
The year is 1788, the place New South Wales. Marine Lieutenant William Dawes has arrived in the Antipodes to build an observatory, reform the convicts and understand the Aborigines. He is a good man who will be subject to many temptations. In England, now, a child is born. His mother knows he has extraordinary powers; his father knows he is a helpless cripple. Olla, defending and nurturing he...
In a chilling future, one 16-year-old girl is driven to the ultimate act of heroism. The Testament of Jessie Lamb, longlisted for the Man Booker Prize, is the breakout novel from award-winning author Jane Rogers. Its cunningly drawn characters and riveting vision of a dystopic future fraught with difficult moral choices will make The Testament of Jessie Lamb an instant favorite for fans of Kazuo I...
From the multi-award-winning and critically acclaimed author of The Testament of Jessie Lamb comes this riveting novel about the devastating secrets revealed in the midst of a disintegrating marriage. The story of a marriage, and of two lives in science. When Conrad fails to return from a conference, Eleanor wonders if it is because of the affair she is having? Or perhaps it is because his r...
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