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Автор - Haggard H.R.
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Творчество H. Haggard

На нашем сайте представлены 37 книг автора H. Haggard. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Moon of Israel = Луна Израиля: на англ.яз
Moon of Israel = Луна Израиля: на англ.яз

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre. The novel narrates the events of the Biblical Exodus from Egypt told from the perspective of a scribe named Ana.

Heu-Heu, or the Monster = Хоу-хоу, или Чудовище: на англ.яз
Heu-Heu, or the Monster = Хоу-хоу, или Чудовище: на англ.яз

Allan Quatermain is confronted with the legend of the Heu-Heu, a monster who eats humans, while sheltering from a thunderstorm in the Drakensberg mountains. The legend appears to be reality as Quatermain is to find out after arriving in Zululand and being summond by Zikali, a Zulu Sangoma of indeterminate age. Together with his trusted companion, Hans, Quatermain is sent on a mission by Zikali.

Belshazzar = Валтасар: на англ.яз
Belshazzar = Валтасар: на англ.яз

The last novel written by Haggard; finished just before his death and published posthumously. Ramose is the offspring of an Egyptian Pharaoh and a Greek woman. Brought up in a life of luxury he is catapulted into a life of adventure which leads him to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus.

Литература на иностранных языках
Finished = Кечвайо Непокорный, или Обреченные: на англ.яз
Finished = Кечвайо Непокорный, или Обреченные: на англ.яз

Finished can be read as a separate story, and at the same time like the third of the trilogy after Marie and Child of Storm. It narrates, through the mouth of Allan Quatermain, the consummation of the vengeance of the wizard Zikali, alias The Opener of Roads, or The-Thing-that-should-never-have-been-b orn, upon the royal Zulu House of which Senzangacona was the founder and Cetewayo, our enemy in t...

Литература на иностранных языках
Heart of the World = Сердце мира: на англ.яз
Heart of the World = Сердце мира: на англ.яз

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. Heart of the World is a love-story of an extraordinarily beautiful Indian princess and a white Englishman who fall in love but suffer deeply because of their feelings.

Литература на иностранных языках
The Holy Flower = Священный цветок: на англ.яз
The Holy Flower = Священный цветок: на англ.яз

Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired to finance an expedition to search for the plant Join Allan as he sets out to find this rare orchid... and finds something more.

Литература на иностранных языках
The Ivory Child = Дитя слоновой кости: на англ.яз
The Ivory Child = Дитя слоновой кости: на англ.яз

While Quartermain visits Lord Randall, two foreigners come asking for Macumazana — that is, asking for Allan Quartermain by the name he used among the Africans. The two visitors are Harut and Marut, priests and doctors of the White Kendah People and they have come to ask Allan Quartermain for his help. The White Kendah people are at war with the Black Kendah people who have an evil spirit for a go...

Литература на иностранных языках
The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa = Желтый бог: африканский идол: на англ.яз
The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa = Желтый бог: африканский идол: на англ.яз

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. The main hero of The Yellow God is Alan Vernon, a young retired army major, who, after undergoing financial ruin, decides to travel to Africa to make his fortune, in hopes of eventually winning the hand of beautiful Barbara Champers-Haswell. Vernon has heard of a ...

Литература на иностранных языках
Novels 2 = Новеллы 2: на англ.яз
Novels 2 = Новеллы 2: на англ.яз

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. This volume contains three famous novels by Haggard. The Wizard is a book about adventures and the nature of miracles that could be enjoyed by both adults and children alike. In Elissa Haggard takes his readers to the Phoenician city in South Central Africa, a tra...

Литература на иностранных языках
The People of the Mist = Люди Тумана: на англ.яз
The People of the Mist = Люди Тумана: на англ.яз

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel. It is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god. In the novel Penniless Leonard Outram attempts to redress...

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