Жаклин Уилсон - автор 93 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Разрисованная мама, История Трейси Бикер, Девчонки и любовь. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
The Dare Game is a children's novel written by Jacqueline Wilson and illustrated by Nick Sharratt, first published in 2000. It is a sequel to the bestselling The Story of Tracy Beaker.
Про Маґду, Еллі та Надін написано чотири книги. Перша з них – «Дівчата закохані». Маґда має хлопця, Надін теж, а Еллі лише про це мріє. На канікулах вона зустрічає дивного і кумедного хлопця Дена, молодшого від неї на півроку. Ден каже, що вона йому подобається, а вона розповідає подругам, ніби насправді він — на кілька років старший красунчик. Не надто мудро...
Ella's mother ends up in a coma after giving birth to her new baby brother and Ella is forced to make her peace with her new stepdad. At school, she loses a best friend and copes with a bully, but her new friend Joseph shares her enthusiasm for whales and becomes an unexpected source of support.
The Lottie Project is a story about Charlotte Enright (Charlie) set in late 20th century England. Charlie is the most popular girl in her school. She assumes she will find history lessons boring but she sees a Victorian photo of a girl who looked exactly like her and from then on she becomes interested in history. Charlie decides to write her history project as the fictional diary of a Victorian s...
Ліззі має нового тата і двох нових братів. Її мама наполягає, що тепер вони — одна родина. Але ж у Ліззі ніхто не питав, чи хоче вона цього... Тому тепер вона мовчатиме! Не озиватиметься ні до кого, навіть до мами. Закриє рота на замок! Та хтозна, раптом Ліззі зустрінеться хтось такий, хто зможе підшукати до неї ключика? Знайомтеся з новою дівчинкою Джаклін Вілсон у книзі «Ліззі Рот-на-замок» із Н...
When Mum goes off on holiday with her new boyfriend and leaves Lily, six year old twins Bliss and Baxter, and little sister Pixie on their own, Lily is determined to keep the family together and show they can cope without any grown-ups. But when she fears their secret is going to be discovered, she decides they need a safer hiding place. What could be better than to take all the little ones for a ...
После того как близнецы Харука и Сора теряют в автокатастрофе обоих родителей, они вынуждены переехать жить в дом их умершего дедушки в деревушку Окукодзомэ. Две души пытаются найти свой путь в мире, в чём им помогают соседи и друзья. Харука считает, что теперь ответственность за Сору лежит на нём, но вскоре понимает, что чувства, которые он испытывает к ней, вовсе не похожи на чувства брата к сес...
Katy's life changes in dramatic and unexpected ways after a serious accident. Inspired by the much-loved classic, What Katy Did, bestselling children's favourite Jacqueline Wilson creates an irresistible modern version for the twenty-first-century. Fans of Hetty Feather and Tracy Beaker will fall in love with Katy and her family too.
"Monster Planet, here we come!" One morning at school, Natalie is feeling bored - until a tiny monster waves at her from a plant on the classroom window sill. The monster whizzes her off in his mini flying saurcer for some MONSTER FUN. Now Natalie really has some monster stories to tell.
Вечірки з ночівлею – найцікавіші! І у кожної буде своя. Усі Геленині подруги входять до Абеткового клубу: Ані, Белла, Венді та Ґлорія вже влаштовували вечірки з ночівлею на свої дні народження. Гелена теж хотіла б усіх їх запросити, але їй не хочеться, щоб її друзі дізналися про її сестру… Нова зворушлива повість від усесвітньо відомої дитячої письменниці піднімає нелегкі, але напрочуд важливі ...
Marty and her sister Melissa couldn't be more different. Marty loves her Converse trainers, playing football, hiding in her secret den and helping her dad with his DIY. But Melissa loves Justin Bieber and all things pink, girly and pretty. The sisters can manage to live together, despite their occasional scraps but then Mum tells them they have to share a room. For Marty, having to share her ...
Hetty Feather was just a baby when her mother left her at the Foundling Hospital. Hetty longed to find her real mum -- and finally her wish was granted. But just as they have found each other, they are separated again, as Hetty leaves the home to become a maid of all work to Mr Buchanan. Set in London in the 1870s, this sequel to Hetty Feather is a wonderfully evocative and original historical nov...
The Jacqueline Wilson Christmas Cracker is packed with brilliant Christmas stories, including a brand-new tale from Jacqueline, and classic favourite Starring Tracy Beaker, in which Jacqueline's most famous heroine gets the lead part in her Christmas play! There are festive puzzles, tasty Christmas recipes, perfect present tips, and fun Christmas facts. Merry Christmas from Jacqueline Wilson!
This is the third book of the daring Tracy, and this time she's up to more fun and games. Tracy's school/class are doing a play, "A Christmas Carol" and Tracy would dearly love a role. She gets the leading role in the school play (Ebnezer Scrooge) but messes it up by punching her enemy, Justine Littlewood in the nose. Tracy gets back the role near the end of the book because the other ki...
September, 1939. As the Second World War begins, ten-year-old Shirley is sent away on a train with her schoolmates. She doesn’t know where she’s going, or what’s going to happen to her when she gets there. All she has been told is that she’s going on ‘a little holiday’. Shirley is billeted in the country, with two boys from East End London, Kevin and Archie – and their experiences living in the st...
On a school trip to the dinosaurs in the museum, everyone in the class has a packed lunch, everyone that is except Dinah. But then a friendly iguanodon decides to help, and soon Dinah has a very special packed lunch and a huge suprise.
Very pretty, sensible nine year old has barely worn gorgeus pink designer bridesmaid's dress with matching accesoires. Will attend any ceremony and add that perfect stylish touch to your wedding photos. Very small rental fee for one day.
Clover Moon's imagination is her best escape from a life of hardship in poverty-stricken Victorian London. When tragedy plunges her into a world of grief, Clover realizes that everything she loved about the place she called home is gone. Clover hears of a place she could run to, but where will she find the courage - and the chance - to break free? And could leaving her family be just what she...
Opal Plumstead might be plain, but she has always been fiercely intelligent. Yet her scholarship and dreams of university are snatched away when her father is sent to prison, and fourteen-year-old Opal must start work at the Fairy Glen sweet factory to support her family. Opal struggles to get along with the other workers, who think her snobby and stuck-up. But Opal idolises Mrs Roberts, the facto...
A girl called Rebecca has just had a row with her best friend Sarah. Then Sarah goes off with another girl. After that, Rebecca comes across a witches' pond and meets a toad called Glubbslyme. Glubbslyme is not just a normal toad, he is magic from his late master. They embark on a magical adventure together and try and get Sarah and Rebecca back together.