Чак Вендиг (Chuck Wendig) — американский писатель и автор комиксов.Вендиг вырос в Нью-Хоуп, штат Пенсильвания, он изучал английский язык и религию в Королевском университете Шарлотты, закончил его в 1998 году. Прежде чем начать писать художественную литературу профессионально, он работал в качестве сценариста и разработчика ролевых игр.В ноябре 2011 года у Вендига вышел дебютный роман, «Double Dead», после чего он взялся за написание трилогии «Dinocalypse Now», к сожалению Вендиг не смог закончи...
Чак Вендиг (Chuck Wendig) — американский писатель и автор комиксов.Вендиг вырос в Нью-Хоуп, штат Пенсильвания, он изучал английский язык и религию в Королевском университете Шарлотты, закончил его в 1998 году. Прежде чем начать писать художественную литературу профессионально, он работал в качестве сценариста и разработчика ролевых игр.В ноябре 2011 года у Вендига вышел дебютный роман, «Double Dead», после чего он взялся за написание трилогии «Dinocalypse Now», к сожалению Вендиг не смог закончить трилогию, остановившись на двух романах, и издателю пришлось заменить его на Кэрри Харрис. В цикле «Miriam Black» главной героиней выступает девушка, обладающая экстраординарными способностями. Она видит, как умрет человек, если коснется его.В 2015 году Вендиг написал первый роман будущей трилогии в новом каноне «Звездных войн», который рассказывал нам о событиях происходивших в Галактике после уничтожения второй «Звезды Смерти», трилогия Вендига «Последствия» должна была заполнить пробел, образовавшийся между шестым и седьмым эпизодами саги. В том же 2015 году первый роман будущей трилогии оказался в списках бестселлеров по версии «New York Times» и «USA Today». Вендиг сделал одного из главных героев геем, что было неоднозначно принято фанатами саги. Вендиг собирался продолжать свою работу над произведениями, посвященными «Звездным войнам», в частности писать серию комиксов о Дарте Вейдере, но по неизвестным причинам контракт с ним был разорван, и в 2018 году Вендиг распрощался с далёкой Галактикой. Предположительно, виной всему политическая активность Вендига в социальных сетях.Вендиг ведет свой блог «Terribleminds» с 2000 года, там он раздает советы касаемо писательского мастерства. Большая часть его советов по написанию книг была собрана в его книге «The Kickass Writer», опубликованной в 2013 году.Чак Вендиг живет в Пенсильвании с женой и сыном.
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На нашем сайте представлены 22 книги автора Чак Вендиг. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Meet Mookie Pearl. Criminal underworld? He runs it. Supernatural underworld? He hunts in it. Nothing stops Mookie when he?s on the job. But when his daughter takes up arms and opposes him, something?s gotta give? The Blue Blazes - the first in a new urban fantasy series in which lovable thug Mookie Pearl must contend with the criminal underworld, the supernatural underworld, a new drug that m...
When five hackers — an Anonymous-style rabble rouser, an Arab Spring hactivist, a black-hat hacker, an old-school cipherpunk, and an online troll — are scooped up by the U.S. government and told they face prison sentences or worse, they take the deal that’s offered them: working as white-hat hackers in service to their nation. Forced into an uneasy alliance, threatened by their warring personaliti...
HYPERION IS BACK! Or is he? The high-powered hero is hiding in plain sight, driving a truck across the U.S. to learn about the country he has adopted. Along the way, he picks up a lone runaway named Doll, who has more baggage than he anticipated. Doll is in danger, chased by a pack of freaks and lunatics known as THE CARNIES. Will Hyperion reveal himself to save her? Maybe! Will he use a tractor t...
WARNING: Contains an unhealthy gutful of profanity. Those with heart conditions or frail demeanors should not read * * * “If it weren't for Chuck Wendig's advice, I'd have fallen off the writing map long ago.” -- Karina Cooper, Author of Blood of the Wicked “Chuck Wendig hammers out writing and career advice that's always brave, profane, creative, clever, and honest. And don't forget hilarious...
Вторая "Звезда Смерти" разрушена, Император убит и Дарт Вейдер повержен. Империя понесла сокрушительное поражение и Повстанческий Альянс празднует свою решающую победу. Но битва за свободу еще не закончена. После Битвы при Эндоре, Альянс - теперь уже правительство Новой Республики - должен усмирить остатки имперских сил, не признавших новую власть. Прежде, чем они смогут перегруппироваться и нанес...
Miriam is trying. Really, she is. But this whole "settling down thing" that Louis has going for her just isn't working out. She lives on Long Beach Island all year around. Her home is a run-down double-wide trailer. She works at a grocery store as a check-out girl. And her relationship with Louis--who's on the road half the time in his truck--is subject to the piss and vinegar Miriam br...
Shana wakes up one morning to discover her little sister in the grip of a strange malady. She appears to be sleepwalking. She cannot talk and cannot be woken up. And she is heading with inexorable determination to a destination that only she knows. But Shana and her sister are not alone. Soon they are joined by a flock of sleepwalkers from across America, on the same mysterious journey. And like S...
Meet Mookie Pearl. Criminal underworld? He runs it. Supernatural underworld? He hunts in it. Nothing stops Mookie when he?s on the job. But when his daughter takes up arms and opposes him, something?s gotta give? The Blue Blazes - the first in a new urban fantasy series in which lovable thug Mookie Pearl must contend with the criminal underworld, the supernatural underworld, a new drug that m...
When five hackers — an Anonymous-style rabble rouser, an Arab Spring hactivist, a black-hat hacker, an old-school cipherpunk, and an online troll — are scooped up by the U.S. government and told they face prison sentences or worse, they take the deal that’s offered them: working as white-hat hackers in service to their nation. Forced into an uneasy alliance, threatened by their warring personaliti...
HYPERION IS BACK! Or is he? The high-powered hero is hiding in plain sight, driving a truck across the U.S. to learn about the country he has adopted. Along the way, he picks up a lone runaway named Doll, who has more baggage than he anticipated. Doll is in danger, chased by a pack of freaks and lunatics known as THE CARNIES. Will Hyperion reveal himself to save her? Maybe! Will he use a tractor t...
WARNING: Contains an unhealthy gutful of profanity. Those with heart conditions or frail demeanors should not read * * * “If it weren't for Chuck Wendig's advice, I'd have fallen off the writing map long ago.” -- Karina Cooper, Author of Blood of the Wicked “Chuck Wendig hammers out writing and career advice that's always brave, profane, creative, clever, and honest. And don't forget hilarious...
Вторая "Звезда Смерти" разрушена, Император убит и Дарт Вейдер повержен. Империя понесла сокрушительное поражение и Повстанческий Альянс празднует свою решающую победу. Но битва за свободу еще не закончена. После Битвы при Эндоре, Альянс - теперь уже правительство Новой Республики - должен усмирить остатки имперских сил, не признавших новую власть. Прежде, чем они смогут перегруппироваться и нанес...
Miriam is trying. Really, she is. But this whole "settling down thing" that Louis has going for her just isn't working out. She lives on Long Beach Island all year around. Her home is a run-down double-wide trailer. She works at a grocery store as a check-out girl. And her relationship with Louis--who's on the road half the time in his truck--is subject to the piss and vinegar Miriam br...
Shana wakes up one morning to discover her little sister in the grip of a strange malady. She appears to be sleepwalking. She cannot talk and cannot be woken up. And she is heading with inexorable determination to a destination that only she knows. But Shana and her sister are not alone. Soon they are joined by a flock of sleepwalkers from across America, on the same mysterious journey. And like S...
Meet Mookie Pearl. Criminal underworld? He runs it. Supernatural underworld? He hunts in it. Nothing stops Mookie when he?s on the job. But when his daughter takes up arms and opposes him, something?s gotta give? The Blue Blazes - the first in a new urban fantasy series in which lovable thug Mookie Pearl must contend with the criminal underworld, the supernatural underworld, a new drug that m...
When five hackers — an Anonymous-style rabble rouser, an Arab Spring hactivist, a black-hat hacker, an old-school cipherpunk, and an online troll — are scooped up by the U.S. government and told they face prison sentences or worse, they take the deal that’s offered them: working as white-hat hackers in service to their nation. Forced into an uneasy alliance, threatened by their warring personaliti...
HYPERION IS BACK! Or is he? The high-powered hero is hiding in plain sight, driving a truck across the U.S. to learn about the country he has adopted. Along the way, he picks up a lone runaway named Doll, who has more baggage than he anticipated. Doll is in danger, chased by a pack of freaks and lunatics known as THE CARNIES. Will Hyperion reveal himself to save her? Maybe! Will he use a tractor t...
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