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Автор - Jesper Juul

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Творчество Jesper Juul

На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Jesper Juul. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Grenzen, Nahe, Respekt: Auf dem Weg zur kompetenten Eltern-Kind-Beziehung
Grenzen, Nahe, Respekt: Auf dem Weg zur kompetenten Eltern-Kind-Beziehung

Jesper Juul wurde am 18. April 1948 in Dänemark geboren, wo er mit seinen Eltern und seinem Bruder auch seine Kindheit und Jugend verbrachte. Er beschäftigte sich u. a. mit Badminton und Vogelstudien und war als Pfadfinder unterwegs. Nach der Schule verließ er das Land und befuhr als Schiffskoch den Fernen Osten, arbeitete als Tellerwäscher und Barmann. Mit 18 Jahren nahm er ein Geschichts- und Re...

Научная литература
Half-Real: Video Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds
Half-Real: Video Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds

A video game is half-real: we play by real rules while imagining a fictional world. We win or lose the game in the real world, but we slay a dragon (for example) only in the world of the game. In this thought-provoking study, Jesper Juul examines the constantly evolving tension between rules and fiction in video games. Discussing games from "Pong" to "The Legend of Zelda," from chess to "Grand The...

A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players
A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players

We used to think that video games were mostly for young men, but with the success of the Nintendo Wii, and the proliferation of games in browsers, cell phone games, and social games video games changed changed fundamentally in the years from 2000 to 2010. These new casual games are now played by men and women, young and old. Players need not possess an intimate knowledge of video game history or d...

The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video Games
The Art of Failure: An Essay on the Pain of Playing Video Games

We may think of video games as being "fun," but in The Art of Failure, Jesper Juul claims that this is almost entirely mistaken. When we play video games, our facial expressions are rarely those of happiness or bliss. Instead, we frown, grimace, and shout in frustration as we lose, or die, or fail to advance to the next level. Humans may have a fundamental desire to succeed and feel competent, but...

Ei ütlemise kunst
Ei ütlemise kunst

Kuidas öelda oma lapsele „ei“ viisil, mis oleks ühelt poolt kindel ja selge, teiselt poolt aga armastav?

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