На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Kate Williams. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
For fans of Atonement, Birdsong, and Downton Abbey, the first of three novels about a privileged British family enduring the trials of World War I, from New York Times bestselling author Kate Williams. In the idyllic early summer of 1914, life is good for the de Witt family. Rudolf and Verena are planning the wedding of their daughter Emmeline, while their eldest son, Arthur, is studying in Par...
Adventures in Babysitting meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this funny, action-packed novel about a coven of witchy babysitters who realize their calling to protect the innocent and save the world from an onslaught of evil.
The excitement surrounding the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton has prompted four of Britain's top historical biographers to look closely at Royal Weddings. Each writer focuses on different areas of interest, from Medieval to the present day, and fascinating anecdotal details are revealed in the course of this most informative and entertaining overview.
We can hardly imagine a Britain without Elizabeth II on the throne. It seems to be the job she was born for. And yet for much of her early life the young princess did not know the role that her future would hold. Kate Williams explores the sheltered upbringing of the young princess, her complicated relationship with her sister, Princess Margaret, and her dependence on her nanny. She details the...
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