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Автор - James Bach

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Творчество James Bach

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора James Bach. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Lessons Learned in Software Testing
Lessons Learned in Software Testing

Decades of software testing experience condensed into the most important lessons learned. The world's leading software testing experts lend you their wisdom and years of experience to help you avoid the most common mistakes in testing software.Each lesson is an assertion related to software testing, followed by an explanation or example that shows you the how, when, and why of the testing le...

Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar
Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar

This unique and insightful book challenges our prevailing and often fallacious attitudes about schooling. In today's volatile job market, ideas are more important than training, innovation is more important than credentials; traditional schooling may no longer be necessary or even useful. The ability to educate oneself 'to learn how to learn' is crucial. In Secrets of a Buccaneer-Sc...

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