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Автор - Rob Valois
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Творчество Rob Valois

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Rob Valois. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The Clone Wars: Grievous Attacks!
The Clone Wars: Grievous Attacks!

"I will rest when the Jedi are dead." —General Grievous One of the most fearsome enemies of the Galactic Republic, General Grievous, has made it his sole duty to hunt down and destroy every last Jedi. In this trilogy of stories, a group of young clone soldiers goes up against Grievous's droid army, the general captures R2-D2, and finally the Jedi find themselves trapped inside Grievous's evil l...

The Clone Wars: Warriors of the Deep
The Clone Wars: Warriors of the Deep

The beginning features a small prologue of Plo Koon speaking to Yoda aboard a Republic cruiser orbiting Iceberg III, a scene which is not depicted in the television series, but in the online game Clone Wars Adventure. Warriors of the Deep adapted the The Clone Wars fourth season episodes Water War, Gungan Attack, and Prisoners.[1] On the cover Anakin Skywalker is seen with 2 lightsabers, one i...