Дональд Бейн — американский писатель и литературный негр, написавший за свою 40-летнюю карьеру свыше 80 книг. Он являлся выпускником университета Пурдью в Индиане и обладателем нескольких литературных премий. Бейн также профессиональный джазовый музыкант и автор песен.В англоязычном мире стал известен тем, что написал якобы в соавторстве с двумя вымышленными стюардессами, Тради Бейкер и Рахель Джонс, серию фиктивных гламурных мемуаров из жизни стюардесс с пикантными подробностями. В 1973 году вы...
Дональд Бейн — американский писатель и литературный негр, написавший за свою 40-летнюю карьеру свыше 80 книг. Он являлся выпускником университета Пурдью в Индиане и обладателем нескольких литературных премий. Бейн также профессиональный джазовый музыкант и автор песен.В англоязычном мире стал известен тем, что написал якобы в соавторстве с двумя вымышленными стюардессами, Тради Бейкер и Рахель Джонс, серию фиктивных гламурных мемуаров из жизни стюардесс с пикантными подробностями. В 1973 году вышел телефильм, в основу сценария которого была положен сюжет первой из книг этой серии.У русскоязычного читателя более известны вышедшие в переводе его произведения из серии «Она написала убийство», написанные якобы в соавторстве с Джессикой Флетчер.Википедия
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На нашем сайте представлены 24 книги автора Дональд Бейн. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Bestselling mystery writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher is invited to travel to London on the grand dame of ocean liners, the Queen Elizabeth II, as one of seven guest lecturers. The night they set sail, a fellow speaker is found brutally murdered. Now Jessica has just four days at sea to find the killer before she finds more of her colleagues, or even herself, dead in the water!
Jessica is on vacation in St. Thomas when she discovers the corpse of hotel owner Walter Marschalk. The island police suspect a hot-tempered ex-employee but cool-headed Jessica will discover who's the real serpent in Eden. Second in a 4-book series.
Mystery writer Jessica Fletcher takes a three-night train trip with her friend and his railroad association through scenic British Columbia. But when a member of the entourage takes a sip of a Bloody Mary and dies, police begin investigating. The suspects gather in the Starlight Express dinner car, and it's up to Jessica to do some unplanned sleuthing before everyone's plans are derai...
Jessica Fletcher digs up a home-grown murder mystery down South in this brand-new installment in the USA Today bestselling series. Jessica is saddened when her eccentric old friend Tillie Mortelaine passes away—and surprised to learn that Tillie has left her a million dollars. But there are strings attached. Jessica must use the money to help the literacy fund she and Tillie established years ago...
Jessica Fletcher is off to London to deliver the keynote address at a mystery writers convention. She's also looking forward to seeing her mentor, Marjorie Ainsworth, who's hosting a party on her estate to celebrate her latest book. But a routine business trip becomes murderous business--when Jessica discovers Marjorie stabbed to death in her own bedroom...
Jessica Fletcher is in a Florida retirement community for the funeral of a dear old friend whose heart gave out-only to discover that the woman's death from natural causes may have been artificially induced.With the help of a feisty group of young-in-spirit retirees, Jessica must track down the clues and find out who prescribed the fatal treatment...
While on vacation in Bermuda, Jessica Fletcher is surprised to hear the local population is abuzz over a trio of murders, each bearing an eerie resemblance to the 1888 Jack the Ripper killings. Jessica dismisses the panicked chatter as just that-until her friend Thomas Betterton's niece is found dead on the beach after a party. And when Scotland Yard Inspector George Sutherland arrives to ...
Helping her lawyer friend, Malcolm McLoon, defend a tycoon who has been accused of fratricide, Jessica Fletcher finds more trouble than she bargained for when the defendant's girlfriend--and only alibi--is also murdered.
Promoting her latest book in New York, Jessica Fletcher encounters a former drug smuggler dressed up in a Santa suit and sets up an interview with him, only to discover the unlikely St. Nick dead the next day. TV tie-in.
Bestselling mystery writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher is invited to travel to London on the grand dame of ocean liners, the Queen Elizabeth II, as one of seven guest lecturers. The night they set sail, a fellow speaker is found brutally murdered. Now Jessica has just four days at sea to find the killer before she finds more of her colleagues, or even herself, dead in the water!
Jessica is on vacation in St. Thomas when she discovers the corpse of hotel owner Walter Marschalk. The island police suspect a hot-tempered ex-employee but cool-headed Jessica will discover who's the real serpent in Eden. Second in a 4-book series.
Mystery writer Jessica Fletcher takes a three-night train trip with her friend and his railroad association through scenic British Columbia. But when a member of the entourage takes a sip of a Bloody Mary and dies, police begin investigating. The suspects gather in the Starlight Express dinner car, and it's up to Jessica to do some unplanned sleuthing before everyone's plans are derai...
Jessica Fletcher digs up a home-grown murder mystery down South in this brand-new installment in the USA Today bestselling series. Jessica is saddened when her eccentric old friend Tillie Mortelaine passes away—and surprised to learn that Tillie has left her a million dollars. But there are strings attached. Jessica must use the money to help the literacy fund she and Tillie established years ago...
Jessica Fletcher is off to London to deliver the keynote address at a mystery writers convention. She's also looking forward to seeing her mentor, Marjorie Ainsworth, who's hosting a party on her estate to celebrate her latest book. But a routine business trip becomes murderous business--when Jessica discovers Marjorie stabbed to death in her own bedroom...
Jessica Fletcher is in a Florida retirement community for the funeral of a dear old friend whose heart gave out-only to discover that the woman's death from natural causes may have been artificially induced.With the help of a feisty group of young-in-spirit retirees, Jessica must track down the clues and find out who prescribed the fatal treatment...
While on vacation in Bermuda, Jessica Fletcher is surprised to hear the local population is abuzz over a trio of murders, each bearing an eerie resemblance to the 1888 Jack the Ripper killings. Jessica dismisses the panicked chatter as just that-until her friend Thomas Betterton's niece is found dead on the beach after a party. And when Scotland Yard Inspector George Sutherland arrives to ...
Helping her lawyer friend, Malcolm McLoon, defend a tycoon who has been accused of fratricide, Jessica Fletcher finds more trouble than she bargained for when the defendant's girlfriend--and only alibi--is also murdered.
Promoting her latest book in New York, Jessica Fletcher encounters a former drug smuggler dressed up in a Santa suit and sets up an interview with him, only to discover the unlikely St. Nick dead the next day. TV tie-in.
Bestselling mystery writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher is invited to travel to London on the grand dame of ocean liners, the Queen Elizabeth II, as one of seven guest lecturers. The night they set sail, a fellow speaker is found brutally murdered. Now Jessica has just four days at sea to find the killer before she finds more of her colleagues, or even herself, dead in the water!
Jessica is on vacation in St. Thomas when she discovers the corpse of hotel owner Walter Marschalk. The island police suspect a hot-tempered ex-employee but cool-headed Jessica will discover who's the real serpent in Eden. Second in a 4-book series.
Mystery writer Jessica Fletcher takes a three-night train trip with her friend and his railroad association through scenic British Columbia. But when a member of the entourage takes a sip of a Bloody Mary and dies, police begin investigating. The suspects gather in the Starlight Express dinner car, and it's up to Jessica to do some unplanned sleuthing before everyone's plans are derai...
Jessica Fletcher digs up a home-grown murder mystery down South in this brand-new installment in the USA Today bestselling series. Jessica is saddened when her eccentric old friend Tillie Mortelaine passes away—and surprised to learn that Tillie has left her a million dollars. But there are strings attached. Jessica must use the money to help the literacy fund she and Tillie established years ago...
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