Псевдоним автора: T. Kingfisher. Урсула Вернон — профессиональная художница и писательница, автор книг и комиксов, в том числе комикса «Digger», высоко оценённого критикой и получившего ряд наград и почётных упоминаний.Дочь военного и художницы, родилась 28 мая 1977 года в Японии, на базе ВМС США в Йокосуке, выросла в штатах Орегон и Аризона. По образованию — антрополог: защитила диссертацию по вопросам эволюции человека в Макалистер-колледже (штат Миннесота). В настоящее время живёт в гор...
Псевдоним автора: T. Kingfisher.
Урсула Вернон — профессиональная художница и писательница, автор книг и комиксов, в том числе комикса «Digger», высоко оценённого критикой и получившего ряд наград и почётных упоминаний.
Дочь военного и художницы, родилась 28 мая 1977 года в Японии, на базе ВМС США в Йокосуке, выросла в штатах Орегон и Аризона. По образованию — антрополог: защитила диссертацию по вопросам эволюции человека в Макалистер-колледже (штат Миннесота). В настоящее время живёт в городе Питтсборо в Северной Каролине. Замужем (вторым браком).Занималась иайдо — фехтованием на мечах-катанах. Увлекается садоводством, наблюдением за птицами, компьютерными играми, Dungeons & Dragons. Гончар-любитель. Коллекционирует индонезийские маски демонов. Держит нескольких кошек и собак.
Регулярно участвует в фурри-конвентах. Завсегдатай Anthrocon; почётный гость Midwest FurFest 2004, Midwest FurFest 2009, Further Confusion 2010, Further Confusion 2013, Eurofurence 2014, Furry Migration 2016, Furry Fiesta 2017. Поддерживает дружеские отношения с основателями издательства Sofawolf Press Джеффом Эдди и Тимом Сасманом, c художницей Dark Natasha. Входила в комиссию по контролю качества работ архива Yerf.Вела ежемесячную колонку «Wombat Droppings» в журнале EMG-Zine.
На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Урсулы Вернон. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
"They were shy creatures, the jackalope wives, though there was nothing shy about the way they danced. You could go your whole life and see no more of them than the flash of a tail vanishing around the backside of a boulder. If you were lucky, you might catch a whole line of them outlined against the sky, on the top of a bluff, the shadow of horns rising off their brows".
Digger is a story about a wombat. More specifically, it is a story about a particularly no-nonsense wombat who finds herself stuck on the wrong end of a one-way tunnel in a strange land where nonsense seems to be the specialty. Now with the help of a talking statue of a god, an outcast hyena, a shadow-being of indeterminate origin, and an oracular slug she seeks to find out where she is and how to...
Author’s Note: The story of Rawhead and Bloody Bones originated in Europe but migrated to the American South and underwent a local transformation. The definitive folklore version is likely S. E. Schlosser’s and is very much worth reading on its own.
From the creator of Dragonbreath comes a tale of witches, minions, and one fantastic castle, just right for fans of Roald Dahl and Tom Angleberger. When Molly shows up on Castle Hangnail's doorstep to fill the vacancy for a wicked witch, the castle's minions are understandably dubious. After all, she is twelve years old, barely five feet tall, and quite polite. (The minions are used t...
"They were shy creatures, the jackalope wives, though there was nothing shy about the way they danced. You could go your whole life and see no more of them than the flash of a tail vanishing around the backside of a boulder. If you were lucky, you might catch a whole line of them outlined against the sky, on the top of a bluff, the shadow of horns rising off their brows".
Digger is a story about a wombat. More specifically, it is a story about a particularly no-nonsense wombat who finds herself stuck on the wrong end of a one-way tunnel in a strange land where nonsense seems to be the specialty. Now with the help of a talking statue of a god, an outcast hyena, a shadow-being of indeterminate origin, and an oracular slug she seeks to find out where she is and how to...
Author’s Note: The story of Rawhead and Bloody Bones originated in Europe but migrated to the American South and underwent a local transformation. The definitive folklore version is likely S. E. Schlosser’s and is very much worth reading on its own.
From the creator of Dragonbreath comes a tale of witches, minions, and one fantastic castle, just right for fans of Roald Dahl and Tom Angleberger. When Molly shows up on Castle Hangnail's doorstep to fill the vacancy for a wicked witch, the castle's minions are understandably dubious. After all, she is twelve years old, barely five feet tall, and quite polite. (The minions are used t...
"They were shy creatures, the jackalope wives, though there was nothing shy about the way they danced. You could go your whole life and see no more of them than the flash of a tail vanishing around the backside of a boulder. If you were lucky, you might catch a whole line of them outlined against the sky, on the top of a bluff, the shadow of horns rising off their brows".
Digger is a story about a wombat. More specifically, it is a story about a particularly no-nonsense wombat who finds herself stuck on the wrong end of a one-way tunnel in a strange land where nonsense seems to be the specialty. Now with the help of a talking statue of a god, an outcast hyena, a shadow-being of indeterminate origin, and an oracular slug she seeks to find out where she is and how to...
Author’s Note: The story of Rawhead and Bloody Bones originated in Europe but migrated to the American South and underwent a local transformation. The definitive folklore version is likely S. E. Schlosser’s and is very much worth reading on its own.
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