Кэролайн Б. Куни - известная американская писательница, автор книг для детей и молодежи в жанрах Young adult fiction, Fantasy, Historical fiction. Изначально Кэролайн Куни не предполагала, что хочет стать писательницей.Кэролайн родилась маленьком городке, расположенном в северной части озера Сенека на границе с Канадой. Свое название поселение получило в честь города и кантона Женевы в Швейцарии. Ее юные годы прошли в городе Гринвич, округ Фэрфилд, штат Коннектикут в Новой Англии. В 1965 ...
Кэролайн Б. Куни - известная американская писательница, автор книг для детей и молодежи в жанрах Young adult fiction, Fantasy, Historical fiction. Изначально Кэролайн Куни не предполагала, что хочет стать писательницей.
Кэролайн родилась маленьком городке, расположенном в северной части озера Сенека на границе с Канадой. Свое название поселение получило в честь города и кантона Женевы в Швейцарии. Ее юные годы прошли в городе Гринвич, округ Фэрфилд, штат Коннектикут в Новой Англии. В 1965 году поступила в Университет штата Индиана, однако через год перешла в Институт MGH медицинских профессий (MGH Institute of Health Professions) в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс. В 1968 вновь поступила в Университет штата Коннектикут. Так, проучившись в нескольких колледжах, она все же не смогла получить диплом.
Caroline Cooney knew in sixth grade that she wanted to be a writer when "the best teacher I ever had in my life" made writing her main focus. "He used to rip off covers from The New Yorker and pass them around and make us write a short story on whichever cover we got. I started writing then and never stopped!"
When her children were young, Caroline started writing books for young people -- with remarkable results. She began to sell stories to Seventeen magazine and soon after began writing books. Suspense novels are her favorites to read and write. "In a suspense novel, you can count on action."
To keep her stories realistic, Caroline visits many schools outside of her area, learning more about teenagers all the time. She often organizes what she calls a "plotting game," in which students work together to create plots for stories. Caroline lives in Westbrook, Connecticut and when she's not writing she volunteers at a hospital, plays piano for the school musicals and daydreams!
На нашем сайте представлены 19 книг автора Кэролайн Куни. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Fifteen-year-old Macey Clare loves her Connecticut hometown, where her mother grew up and her grandparents still live, and she likes visiting her grandparents even more now that their neighbors’ handsome grandson, Austin, has moved in. But when Macey decides to research the history of a burned-out barn across the street from her grandparents’ home for a school report, she gets a shock about wh...
A powerful novel about the difficulty of doing what is right. Through their love for people, yet ignorance of the unknown, the Finch Family has joined alongside their church and opened their home to an African refugee family who are moving to Connecticut. The Amabo family of four– Andre, Celestine, Mattu, and Alake: father, mother, and teenage son and daughter– arrive in great hope as they hav...
Mr. Shevvington is the handsome principal at Christina's school, and his wife is the English teacher. They seem perfect. When the autumn fog rolls over the coast, Christina and Anya board at the Shevvington's home, and Christina discovers nothing is as it seems.
Outside, she could freeze. Inside, she could die. Everyone says Mr. and Mrs. Shevvington are lovely people. But Christina knows otherwise. She sees what they are doing: First, they chose Anya. Then, Christina - but Christina was too strong for them...so now it's Dolly, sweet, trusting Dolly. Poor Dolly. Everyone thinks she is outside somewhere, lost in the snow storm. But Christin...
In this riveting and emotional conclusion to the thriller-romance Janie series, that started with The Face on the Milk Carton, all will be revealed as readers find out if Janie and Reeve's love has endured, and whether or not the person who brought Janie and her family so much emotional pain and suffering is brought to justice.
The kidnapping is long past, and the Johnsons and the Springs are on the way to restoring their lives. Janie is ever grateful to her devoted boyfriend who helped her through it all. As Janie tries to balance herself between the two families, she feels torn. It seems the only thing keeping her together is her love for Reeve, but he is away at college and Janie misses him terribly. For Reeve, coll...
No one knows what happened to the killer. Janie Johnson's two families appear to have made peace. Life seems almost normal. Janie has even decided to speak to her former boyfriend, Reeve, again. But then Janie's Connecticut father suffers a stroke, and the tragedy leaves her mother reeling. Janie must step in to manage family finances and to support her mother emotionally. While handl...
As Janie Johnson glanced at the face of the ordinary little girl on the milk carton, she was overcome with shock. She recognized that little girl—it was she. How can it possibly be true? But it is. With the mystery of her kidnapping now unraveled, Janie's story continues, and the nightmare is not over. No one can bring back or relive the 12 years gone by. The Spring family wants justice, but who ...
Imagine changing centuries--and making things worse, not better, on both sides of time. Imagine being involved in two love triangles in two different centuries. What if, no matter which direction you travel in time, you must abandon someone you love? Meet 15-year-old Annie Lockwood, a romantic living in the wrong century. When she travels back a hundred years and lands in 1895--a time when p...
Fifteen-year-old Macey Clare loves her Connecticut hometown, where her mother grew up and her grandparents still live, and she likes visiting her grandparents even more now that their neighbors’ handsome grandson, Austin, has moved in. But when Macey decides to research the history of a burned-out barn across the street from her grandparents’ home for a school report, she gets a shock about wh...
A powerful novel about the difficulty of doing what is right. Through their love for people, yet ignorance of the unknown, the Finch Family has joined alongside their church and opened their home to an African refugee family who are moving to Connecticut. The Amabo family of four– Andre, Celestine, Mattu, and Alake: father, mother, and teenage son and daughter– arrive in great hope as they hav...
Mr. Shevvington is the handsome principal at Christina's school, and his wife is the English teacher. They seem perfect. When the autumn fog rolls over the coast, Christina and Anya board at the Shevvington's home, and Christina discovers nothing is as it seems.
Outside, she could freeze. Inside, she could die. Everyone says Mr. and Mrs. Shevvington are lovely people. But Christina knows otherwise. She sees what they are doing: First, they chose Anya. Then, Christina - but Christina was too strong for them...so now it's Dolly, sweet, trusting Dolly. Poor Dolly. Everyone thinks she is outside somewhere, lost in the snow storm. But Christin...
In this riveting and emotional conclusion to the thriller-romance Janie series, that started with The Face on the Milk Carton, all will be revealed as readers find out if Janie and Reeve's love has endured, and whether or not the person who brought Janie and her family so much emotional pain and suffering is brought to justice.
The kidnapping is long past, and the Johnsons and the Springs are on the way to restoring their lives. Janie is ever grateful to her devoted boyfriend who helped her through it all. As Janie tries to balance herself between the two families, she feels torn. It seems the only thing keeping her together is her love for Reeve, but he is away at college and Janie misses him terribly. For Reeve, coll...
No one knows what happened to the killer. Janie Johnson's two families appear to have made peace. Life seems almost normal. Janie has even decided to speak to her former boyfriend, Reeve, again. But then Janie's Connecticut father suffers a stroke, and the tragedy leaves her mother reeling. Janie must step in to manage family finances and to support her mother emotionally. While handl...
As Janie Johnson glanced at the face of the ordinary little girl on the milk carton, she was overcome with shock. She recognized that little girl—it was she. How can it possibly be true? But it is. With the mystery of her kidnapping now unraveled, Janie's story continues, and the nightmare is not over. No one can bring back or relive the 12 years gone by. The Spring family wants justice, but who ...
Imagine changing centuries--and making things worse, not better, on both sides of time. Imagine being involved in two love triangles in two different centuries. What if, no matter which direction you travel in time, you must abandon someone you love? Meet 15-year-old Annie Lockwood, a romantic living in the wrong century. When she travels back a hundred years and lands in 1895--a time when p...
Fifteen-year-old Macey Clare loves her Connecticut hometown, where her mother grew up and her grandparents still live, and she likes visiting her grandparents even more now that their neighbors’ handsome grandson, Austin, has moved in. But when Macey decides to research the history of a burned-out barn across the street from her grandparents’ home for a school report, she gets a shock about wh...
A powerful novel about the difficulty of doing what is right. Through their love for people, yet ignorance of the unknown, the Finch Family has joined alongside their church and opened their home to an African refugee family who are moving to Connecticut. The Amabo family of four– Andre, Celestine, Mattu, and Alake: father, mother, and teenage son and daughter– arrive in great hope as they hav...
Mr. Shevvington is the handsome principal at Christina's school, and his wife is the English teacher. They seem perfect. When the autumn fog rolls over the coast, Christina and Anya board at the Shevvington's home, and Christina discovers nothing is as it seems.
Outside, she could freeze. Inside, she could die. Everyone says Mr. and Mrs. Shevvington are lovely people. But Christina knows otherwise. She sees what they are doing: First, they chose Anya. Then, Christina - but Christina was too strong for them...so now it's Dolly, sweet, trusting Dolly. Poor Dolly. Everyone thinks she is outside somewhere, lost in the snow storm. But Christin...
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