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Автор - Jorge Molina
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Творчество Jorge Molina

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Jorge Molina. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Avengers: The Initiative: Dreams & Nightmares
Avengers: The Initiative: Dreams & Nightmares

A shocking new era for the Initiative! Where Camp Hammond once trained future Avengers, Camp H.A.M.M.E.R. now trains tomorrow's Dark Avengers! Under orders from Norman Osborn, your new Principals are Taskmaster and the criminal kingpin, the Hood. They're registering villains as heroes and spreading Norman's empire across the nation with such specialized classes as How to Fake Being ...

A-Force Vol. 1: Hypertime
A-Force Vol. 1: Hypertime

What do you do when a sentient cosmic event rampages through Japan? ASSEMBLE A-FORCE! Marvel's newest hero, SINGULARITY, has escaped Battleworld and found her way to the Marvel Universe! But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the villainous ANTIMATTER, Singularity will call upon Earth's mightiest team of Avengers. And one thing's for sure: They are A FORCE to be reckoned with!

X-Men Blue Vol. 1: Strangest
X-Men Blue Vol. 1: Strangest

Like a bolt from the blue, the original X-Men reunite - like never before! This time, Jean Grey takes her place as leader, and Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Beast must follow her into action as they seek to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team. But how can they do that when their new mentor is their old mentor's arch-frenemy? That's right - Magneto has joined the...

X-Men Blue Vol. 3: Cross-Time Capers
X-Men Blue Vol. 3: Cross-Time Capers

The X-Men travel through Magneto's time portal to save the past! But something is wrong with the portal, which sends the team careening through time and space. Will they be able to figure out a way to get back to the present?

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