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Автор - Phil Smart

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Творчество Phil Smart

На нашем сайте представлена 1 книга автора Phil Smart. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Van Der Graaf Generator, The Book: A History Of The Band Van Der Graaf Generator, 1967 To 1978
Van Der Graaf Generator, The Book: A History Of The Band Van Der Graaf Generator, 1967 To 1978

A history of the band Van der Graaf Generator 1967 to 1978. Van der Graaf Generator are one of the most unique and important groups to emerge from the British 'underground' of the late 60s. Throughout the 70s, they created a body of work like no other which in turns excited, overwhelmed, electrified, bedazzled, frustrated, and moved fans and critics alike. With their records and extre...