На нашем сайте представлены 26 книг автора Бенджамин Перси. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
“The Death and Life of Oliver Queen” part four! Black Canary steps through the deadly gates of Inferno, the global super-villain answer to Fort Knox, to discover the truth behind the destruction of Oliver Queen’s life, fortune and reputation. Meanwhile, Seattle’s manhunt for the outlaw Green Arrow takes an exhilarating twist when an old frenemy makes an unexpected return.
?The Death and Life of Oliver Queen? part five! It?s Green Arrow and Black Canary versus Shado and the Ninth Circle in the belly of the Inferno.
?SINS OF THE MOTHER?! Following the shocking events with the Ninth Circle, Green Arrow?s wayward sister/sidekick Emiko travels to Japan on a quest to destroy the crime lords who control her mother, Shado, the assassin who murdered Oliver Queen.
“THE KILLING TIME”! In a tale from happier but no less dangerous times, Green Arrow labors to train a new apprentice who’s every bit as deadly as his fiercest villains: a teenage girl. But before Emiko and Ollie can embrace as brother and sister, they have to save Seattle from a foe that can see the future of anyone he chooses—anyone, that is, except for Emiko Queen…
“ISLAND OF SCARS” part one! Artist Otto Schmidt returns to GREEN ARROW for the story fans have been waiting for! Following the life-changing events of the past few issues, Green Arrow and Black Canary are back where Ollie’s journey began: the shores of a deserted island, where DC’s most turbulent super-couple have no distraction—and no escape—from their powerful feelings for each other.
Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero?s world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter One As Oliver struggles with how he can fight “the man” when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone. THEY SAID IT: “My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O’Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make the series my own,” says writer Benjamin Percy. “Green...
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter Two: In #2, Green Arrow is betrayed, broken and left for dead. He wakes up in a world where the once-wealthy Oliver Queen has no resources and only the faintest clue what’s happened to him. Meanwhile, in a distant land, an old ally begins a quest to help the Emerald Archer in his darkest hour.
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter Three: In #3, Green Arrow’s enemies learn he is still alive when the Emerald Archer—now Emerald Outlaw—breaks into Queen Industries to learn why his entire world has betrayed him. But the deadly assassin Shado—formerly Oliver’s ally—is dispatched to finish him before he gets too close to the shocking truth behind his fall from grace.
Following a string of mysterious deaths in Burns, Alaska, Special Agents Sally Pierce and Tad Marshall arrive to investigate. They soon find there's more going on than meets the eye... Marvel's hit scripted podcast "Wolverine: The Long Night," comes to life on the page! Chilling twists and turns, brought to you by the original author of the podcast, Benjamin Percy, and the art talents of...
“The Death and Life of Oliver Queen” part four! Black Canary steps through the deadly gates of Inferno, the global super-villain answer to Fort Knox, to discover the truth behind the destruction of Oliver Queen’s life, fortune and reputation. Meanwhile, Seattle’s manhunt for the outlaw Green Arrow takes an exhilarating twist when an old frenemy makes an unexpected return.
?The Death and Life of Oliver Queen? part five! It?s Green Arrow and Black Canary versus Shado and the Ninth Circle in the belly of the Inferno.
?SINS OF THE MOTHER?! Following the shocking events with the Ninth Circle, Green Arrow?s wayward sister/sidekick Emiko travels to Japan on a quest to destroy the crime lords who control her mother, Shado, the assassin who murdered Oliver Queen.
“THE KILLING TIME”! In a tale from happier but no less dangerous times, Green Arrow labors to train a new apprentice who’s every bit as deadly as his fiercest villains: a teenage girl. But before Emiko and Ollie can embrace as brother and sister, they have to save Seattle from a foe that can see the future of anyone he chooses—anyone, that is, except for Emiko Queen…
“ISLAND OF SCARS” part one! Artist Otto Schmidt returns to GREEN ARROW for the story fans have been waiting for! Following the life-changing events of the past few issues, Green Arrow and Black Canary are back where Ollie’s journey began: the shores of a deserted island, where DC’s most turbulent super-couple have no distraction—and no escape—from their powerful feelings for each other.
Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero?s world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter One As Oliver struggles with how he can fight “the man” when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone. THEY SAID IT: “My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O’Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make the series my own,” says writer Benjamin Percy. “Green...
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter Two: In #2, Green Arrow is betrayed, broken and left for dead. He wakes up in a world where the once-wealthy Oliver Queen has no resources and only the faintest clue what’s happened to him. Meanwhile, in a distant land, an old ally begins a quest to help the Emerald Archer in his darkest hour.
“THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN” Chapter Three: In #3, Green Arrow’s enemies learn he is still alive when the Emerald Archer—now Emerald Outlaw—breaks into Queen Industries to learn why his entire world has betrayed him. But the deadly assassin Shado—formerly Oliver’s ally—is dispatched to finish him before he gets too close to the shocking truth behind his fall from grace.
Following a string of mysterious deaths in Burns, Alaska, Special Agents Sally Pierce and Tad Marshall arrive to investigate. They soon find there's more going on than meets the eye... Marvel's hit scripted podcast "Wolverine: The Long Night," comes to life on the page! Chilling twists and turns, brought to you by the original author of the podcast, Benjamin Percy, and the art talents of...
“The Death and Life of Oliver Queen” part four! Black Canary steps through the deadly gates of Inferno, the global super-villain answer to Fort Knox, to discover the truth behind the destruction of Oliver Queen’s life, fortune and reputation. Meanwhile, Seattle’s manhunt for the outlaw Green Arrow takes an exhilarating twist when an old frenemy makes an unexpected return.
?The Death and Life of Oliver Queen? part five! It?s Green Arrow and Black Canary versus Shado and the Ninth Circle in the belly of the Inferno.
?SINS OF THE MOTHER?! Following the shocking events with the Ninth Circle, Green Arrow?s wayward sister/sidekick Emiko travels to Japan on a quest to destroy the crime lords who control her mother, Shado, the assassin who murdered Oliver Queen.
“THE KILLING TIME”! In a tale from happier but no less dangerous times, Green Arrow labors to train a new apprentice who’s every bit as deadly as his fiercest villains: a teenage girl. But before Emiko and Ollie can embrace as brother and sister, they have to save Seattle from a foe that can see the future of anyone he chooses—anyone, that is, except for Emiko Queen…
“ISLAND OF SCARS” part one! Artist Otto Schmidt returns to GREEN ARROW for the story fans have been waiting for! Following the life-changing events of the past few issues, Green Arrow and Black Canary are back where Ollie’s journey began: the shores of a deserted island, where DC’s most turbulent super-couple have no distraction—and no escape—from their powerful feelings for each other.
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