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Автор - Yusei Matsui

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Творчество Yusei Matsui

На нашем сайте представлены 14 книг автора Yusei Matsui. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 11
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 11

Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 12
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 12

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name du...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 13
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 13

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name du...

Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom

В книгах написано «чти учителя своего», но скажите честно: разве вам в школе не попадались педагоги, которых хотелось чем-то от души приголубить… с летальным исходом? Вы-то наверняка удержались, а вот ребятам из 9-го «Е» японской школы «Дубовые холмы» сдерживаться противопоказано. Последний в параллели класс хулиганов, лентяев и чудиков внезапно получает в свои руки судьбу мира, а задача у него од...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 15
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 15

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 16
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 16

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 17
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 17

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 18
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 18

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, “I could just kill that teacher”? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he’s the best teacher you’ve ever had? Giving you an “F” on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 19
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 19

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, “I could just kill that teacher”? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he’s the best teacher you’ve ever had? Giving you an “F” on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 20
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 20

What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?! Ever caught yourself screaming, “I could just kill that teacher”? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he’s the best teacher you’ve ever had? Giving you an “F” on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name...