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Автор - Брайан Буччеллато

Брайан Буччеллато

Brian Buccellato

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Творчество Брайана Буччеллато

На нашем сайте представлены 22 книги автора Брайана Буччеллато. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 1
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 1

This is it: the final year of INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, leading into the storyline of the hit videogame! Having defeated the Green Lantern Corps, the forces of magic, and now the gods themselves, the Superman's totalitarian regime seems to have eliminated all threats. Yet uneasy lies the crown on the head of the Man of Steel. Still obsessed with the outlaw Batman and worried about having enough tr...

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 2
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 2

This is it: the final year and final volume of INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, leading into the storyline of the hit video game! Having defeated the Green Lantern Corps, the forces of magic, and now the gods themselves, Superman's totalitarian regime seems to have eliminated all threats. Yet uneasy lies the crown on the head of the Man of Steel. Still obsessed with the outlaw Batman and worried about ha...

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 3
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five, Vol. 3

This is it! The final year and final volume of INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US, leading into the storyline of the hit video game! Earths collide as Batman and his team of heroes work to stop a rampaging Superman and his deadly allies. In this, the final battle of the best-selling digital-first series, allegiances are tested, lives are won and lost, and heroes old and new face off in one of the most inte...

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four, Vol. 2
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four, Vol. 2

The shattering conclusion to the Year of the Gods! In this final volume of Year Four, the balance of power may be tipped by the arrival of a force that could challenge even the Gods of Olympus. Also, Wonder Woman must make a stand, and the final fate of Ares is revealed. The newest chapter of the INJUSTICE saga is here, as writer Brian Buccellato further explores that take place before the even...

Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion

A tie-in to the crossover event FOREVER EVIL! The Rogues--the Flash's gallery of villains--call no man boss, but a new evil threat might not leave them much choice! Will they fall in line, or refuse and risk certain death? Will the Rogues be able to take on the Crime Syndicate together?

Injustice. Боги среди нас. Год третий. Книга 2
Injustice. Боги среди нас. Год третий. Книга 2

Что-то страшное грядет! Каждая из сторон конфликта между Суперменом и Бэтменом призвала себе на помощь потусторонние силы. Но когда противники осознают, насколько эти силы не поддаются контролю, становится уже слишком поздно. И выбрать меньшее из двух зол уже нельзя. Единственный способ предотвратить очередной глобальный кризис — объединиться, чтобы остановить новую беду... Неожиданный поворот с...

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