На нашем сайте представлены 13 книг автора Джессики Редмирски. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
По дороге в вечность водоворот жизни может неожиданно захватить вас, особенно если вы бросили все и отправились по стране на поиски смысла жизни и самого себя.И этот водоворот соединил Кэмрин Беннетт и Эндрю Пэрриша. Кажется, что теперь, найдя смысл существования друг в друге, они навсегда будут вместе. Но в душе Кэмрин растет страх, она боится, что Эндрю, как и все близкие ей люди, покинет ее. Од...
From the author of the New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling novel, THE EDGE OF NEVER, comes a story of passion and survival? --- Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been he...
New Adult Romance Five months ago, Camryn and Andrew, both dealing with personal hardships, met on a Greyhound bus. They fell in love and proved that when two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way to make it happen. Now, in the highly anticipated sequel to The Edge of Never, Camryn and Andrew are pursuing their love for music and living life to the fullest as they ...
Isaac Mayfair is hiding a dark secret. And just when Adria Dawson thinks the worst of her life among the werewolf world is over, she learns the secret that can rip her and Isaac?s love apart. Adria must come to terms with what the truth means for her. What it means for her life and how much time she has left to live it. She must choose between two different fates, neither of which can o...
Everything about Adria Dawson?s life has changed in unimaginable ways: the shattering betrayal of her mother, the fight for her life and sanity?the loss of her humanity. But now Adria must face the ultimate challenge and risk not only her life, but the lives of everyone she loves at the wrathful hands of Isaac Mayfair?s father. Determined to help unravel a mysterious message deeply root...
Determined to live a dark life in the company of the assassin who freed her from bondage, Sarai sets out on her own to settle a score with an evil sadist. Unskilled and untrained in the art of killing, the events that unfold leave her hanging precariously on the edge of death when nothing goes as planned. Sarai's reckless choices send her on a path she knows she can never turn back from an...
Victor Faust's new Order is growing. Business is good as there is no rest for the wicked in an underground world of hardcore criminals and contract killing. Relationships among the operatives have changed little over the past year--but things are about to change now, and all six high-ranking members of the new Order will be blindsided by an unlikely enemy. Loved ones whose only ties to Vic...
Since devastating secrets were uncovered by Nora Kessler, Niklas Fleischer and Victor Faust have been divided as business partners and brothers. Ultimately Niklas is persuaded to lead a mission to Italy, and he sees it as an opportunity to set in motion forgiveness--or retribution--for his brother's betrayal. The mission: play the role of a wealthy German investor and kidnap a beautiful, notorious...
Fredrik Gustavsson never considered the possibility of love, or that anyone could ever understand or accept his dark and bloody lifestyle--until he met Seraphina, a woman as vicious and blood-thirsty as Fredrik himself. They spent two short but unforgettable years together, full of lust and killing and the darkest kind of love that two people can share. And then Seraphina was gone. It's been...
Правда даст им свободу! Брей была строптивой с малых лет. Ее необузданный и беззаботный характер приводил в замешательство всех вокруг. Единственным человеком, который по-настоящему понимал девушку, был ее лучший друг Элиас. И хотя Брей всем сердцем желает вечно быть рядом с Элиасом, ей нестерпима сама мысль, что он узнает всю правду о ней. Она старается держать его на расстоянии, а потом решает ...
По дороге в вечность водоворот жизни может неожиданно захватить вас, особенно если вы бросили все и отправились по стране на поиски смысла жизни и самого себя.И этот водоворот соединил Кэмрин Беннетт и Эндрю Пэрриша. Кажется, что теперь, найдя смысл существования друг в друге, они навсегда будут вместе. Но в душе Кэмрин растет страх, она боится, что Эндрю, как и все близкие ей люди, покинет ее. Од...
From the author of the New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling novel, THE EDGE OF NEVER, comes a story of passion and survival? --- Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been he...
New Adult Romance Five months ago, Camryn and Andrew, both dealing with personal hardships, met on a Greyhound bus. They fell in love and proved that when two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way to make it happen. Now, in the highly anticipated sequel to The Edge of Never, Camryn and Andrew are pursuing their love for music and living life to the fullest as they ...
Isaac Mayfair is hiding a dark secret. And just when Adria Dawson thinks the worst of her life among the werewolf world is over, she learns the secret that can rip her and Isaac?s love apart. Adria must come to terms with what the truth means for her. What it means for her life and how much time she has left to live it. She must choose between two different fates, neither of which can o...
Everything about Adria Dawson?s life has changed in unimaginable ways: the shattering betrayal of her mother, the fight for her life and sanity?the loss of her humanity. But now Adria must face the ultimate challenge and risk not only her life, but the lives of everyone she loves at the wrathful hands of Isaac Mayfair?s father. Determined to help unravel a mysterious message deeply root...
Determined to live a dark life in the company of the assassin who freed her from bondage, Sarai sets out on her own to settle a score with an evil sadist. Unskilled and untrained in the art of killing, the events that unfold leave her hanging precariously on the edge of death when nothing goes as planned. Sarai's reckless choices send her on a path she knows she can never turn back from an...
Victor Faust's new Order is growing. Business is good as there is no rest for the wicked in an underground world of hardcore criminals and contract killing. Relationships among the operatives have changed little over the past year--but things are about to change now, and all six high-ranking members of the new Order will be blindsided by an unlikely enemy. Loved ones whose only ties to Vic...
Since devastating secrets were uncovered by Nora Kessler, Niklas Fleischer and Victor Faust have been divided as business partners and brothers. Ultimately Niklas is persuaded to lead a mission to Italy, and he sees it as an opportunity to set in motion forgiveness--or retribution--for his brother's betrayal. The mission: play the role of a wealthy German investor and kidnap a beautiful, notorious...
Fredrik Gustavsson never considered the possibility of love, or that anyone could ever understand or accept his dark and bloody lifestyle--until he met Seraphina, a woman as vicious and blood-thirsty as Fredrik himself. They spent two short but unforgettable years together, full of lust and killing and the darkest kind of love that two people can share. And then Seraphina was gone. It's been...
Правда даст им свободу! Брей была строптивой с малых лет. Ее необузданный и беззаботный характер приводил в замешательство всех вокруг. Единственным человеком, который по-настоящему понимал девушку, был ее лучший друг Элиас. И хотя Брей всем сердцем желает вечно быть рядом с Элиасом, ей нестерпима сама мысль, что он узнает всю правду о ней. Она старается держать его на расстоянии, а потом решает ...
По дороге в вечность водоворот жизни может неожиданно захватить вас, особенно если вы бросили все и отправились по стране на поиски смысла жизни и самого себя.И этот водоворот соединил Кэмрин Беннетт и Эндрю Пэрриша. Кажется, что теперь, найдя смысл существования друг в друге, они навсегда будут вместе. Но в душе Кэмрин растет страх, она боится, что Эндрю, как и все близкие ей люди, покинет ее. Од...
From the author of the New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling novel, THE EDGE OF NEVER, comes a story of passion and survival? --- Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been he...
New Adult Romance Five months ago, Camryn and Andrew, both dealing with personal hardships, met on a Greyhound bus. They fell in love and proved that when two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way to make it happen. Now, in the highly anticipated sequel to The Edge of Never, Camryn and Andrew are pursuing their love for music and living life to the fullest as they ...
Isaac Mayfair is hiding a dark secret. And just when Adria Dawson thinks the worst of her life among the werewolf world is over, she learns the secret that can rip her and Isaac?s love apart. Adria must come to terms with what the truth means for her. What it means for her life and how much time she has left to live it. She must choose between two different fates, neither of which can o...
Everything about Adria Dawson?s life has changed in unimaginable ways: the shattering betrayal of her mother, the fight for her life and sanity?the loss of her humanity. But now Adria must face the ultimate challenge and risk not only her life, but the lives of everyone she loves at the wrathful hands of Isaac Mayfair?s father. Determined to help unravel a mysterious message deeply root...
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