На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Michael Nelson. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The film that changed horror forever continues here! Selena and her new comrades struggle against the infected, the American presence in the UK?and themselves. Selena is a survivor but even she must give pause when the mission has her breaking into the land she fought so hard to get out of.
They are trapped among The Infected. They have no supplies. Most of their crew has been killed. Selena, Clint and Derrick must get to London, but will they make it? Selena knows how to survive, but that was when she was trying to get out of London.
The film that changed horror forever continues here! Selena and her new comrades struggle against the infected, the American presence in the UK…and themselves. The story continues here as Selena is a survivor but even she must give pause when the mission has her breaking into the land she fought so hard to get out of.
For Selena, infiltrating Great Britain has proven even deadlier than getting out. She has lost so much, so many people. Could what awaits her in London be worth it, with the Infected lurking in all corners? It's a question she lives with everyday.
There is no escape from the horrific world of 28 Days Later, the graphic novel that plunges readers back into the fray of a world overrun with The Infected! It has been months since Selena has returned to Great Britain. Now she sets foot in the city where it all ended: Manchester. Will she face horrors here like she did before… or will she face worse?
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