На нашем сайте представлены 7 книг автора Си-Джея Редвайна. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Baalboden has been ravaged. The brutal Commander's whereabouts are unknown. And Rachel, grief stricken over her father's death, needs Logan more than ever. With their ragged group of survivors struggling to forge a future, it's up to Logan to become the leader they need—with Rachel by his side. Under constant threat from rival Carrington's army, who is after the device that controls the Cursed One...
Everything hangs in the balance, and nothing is certain: Rachel has been kidnapped by enemy forces and is being taken to Rowansmark while Logan, imprisoned and awaiting trial, is unable to leave Lankenshire. Separated from each other and their Baalboden comrades, each must find a way to achieve what they desperately want: to rid their world once and for all of the Commander and the tech that contr...
Blue de la Cour has her life planned: hide the magic in her blood and continue trying to turn metal into gold so she can help her city’s homeless. But when her father is murdered and a cruel but powerful woman claims custody of Blue and her property, one wrong move could expose her—and doom her once and for all. The only one who can help? The boy she’s loathed since childhood: Prince Kellan. Ke...
«Исполняющий Желания» – основанная на сказке братьев Гримм удивительная история, в которой добро и зло схлестнутся в неравной борьбе.В королевстве Сандрэйлль праздник – родился наследник престола. Незаконнорожденные дети короля, Тадд и Арианна, вместе с матерью вынуждены бежать из дворца. Пытаясь не допустить смерти родных, юноша в отчаянии заключает договор с чародеем.Алистер Тиг, Исполняющий Жел...
У Лорелеи Дидерих, наследной принцессы Рэйвенспира, есть и любовь близких, и уважение подданных. Но все меняется, когда ее отец связывает себя узами брака с Ириной. Могущественная ведьма, жаждущая захватить трон, не просто околдовывает короля, она лишает его жизни, а Лорелею – семьи. Но Лорелея бежит из замка. Впереди ее ждут долгие годы скитаний и тяжелейших тренировок. Но однажды придет день, к...
Javan Najafai, the crown prince of Akram, has spent the last ten years at school, far away from his kingdom. He’s been eagerly awaiting his return home to his ailing father, but his journey there goes dangerously wrong. A mysterious imposter has taken his place—and no one will believe Javan is the true prince. After barely escaping the imposter’s hitmen, Javan is thrown in the most dangerous p...
Baalboden has been ravaged. The brutal Commander's whereabouts are unknown. And Rachel, grief stricken over her father's death, needs Logan more than ever. With their ragged group of survivors struggling to forge a future, it's up to Logan to become the leader they need—with Rachel by his side. Under constant threat from rival Carrington's army, who is after the device that controls the Cursed One...
Everything hangs in the balance, and nothing is certain: Rachel has been kidnapped by enemy forces and is being taken to Rowansmark while Logan, imprisoned and awaiting trial, is unable to leave Lankenshire. Separated from each other and their Baalboden comrades, each must find a way to achieve what they desperately want: to rid their world once and for all of the Commander and the tech that contr...
Blue de la Cour has her life planned: hide the magic in her blood and continue trying to turn metal into gold so she can help her city’s homeless. But when her father is murdered and a cruel but powerful woman claims custody of Blue and her property, one wrong move could expose her—and doom her once and for all. The only one who can help? The boy she’s loathed since childhood: Prince Kellan. Ke...
«Исполняющий Желания» – основанная на сказке братьев Гримм удивительная история, в которой добро и зло схлестнутся в неравной борьбе.В королевстве Сандрэйлль праздник – родился наследник престола. Незаконнорожденные дети короля, Тадд и Арианна, вместе с матерью вынуждены бежать из дворца. Пытаясь не допустить смерти родных, юноша в отчаянии заключает договор с чародеем.Алистер Тиг, Исполняющий Жел...
У Лорелеи Дидерих, наследной принцессы Рэйвенспира, есть и любовь близких, и уважение подданных. Но все меняется, когда ее отец связывает себя узами брака с Ириной. Могущественная ведьма, жаждущая захватить трон, не просто околдовывает короля, она лишает его жизни, а Лорелею – семьи. Но Лорелея бежит из замка. Впереди ее ждут долгие годы скитаний и тяжелейших тренировок. Но однажды придет день, к...
Javan Najafai, the crown prince of Akram, has spent the last ten years at school, far away from his kingdom. He’s been eagerly awaiting his return home to his ailing father, but his journey there goes dangerously wrong. A mysterious imposter has taken his place—and no one will believe Javan is the true prince. After barely escaping the imposter’s hitmen, Javan is thrown in the most dangerous p...
Baalboden has been ravaged. The brutal Commander's whereabouts are unknown. And Rachel, grief stricken over her father's death, needs Logan more than ever. With their ragged group of survivors struggling to forge a future, it's up to Logan to become the leader they need—with Rachel by his side. Under constant threat from rival Carrington's army, who is after the device that controls the Cursed One...
Everything hangs in the balance, and nothing is certain: Rachel has been kidnapped by enemy forces and is being taken to Rowansmark while Logan, imprisoned and awaiting trial, is unable to leave Lankenshire. Separated from each other and their Baalboden comrades, each must find a way to achieve what they desperately want: to rid their world once and for all of the Commander and the tech that contr...
Blue de la Cour has her life planned: hide the magic in her blood and continue trying to turn metal into gold so she can help her city’s homeless. But when her father is murdered and a cruel but powerful woman claims custody of Blue and her property, one wrong move could expose her—and doom her once and for all. The only one who can help? The boy she’s loathed since childhood: Prince Kellan. Ke...
«Исполняющий Желания» – основанная на сказке братьев Гримм удивительная история, в которой добро и зло схлестнутся в неравной борьбе.В королевстве Сандрэйлль праздник – родился наследник престола. Незаконнорожденные дети короля, Тадд и Арианна, вместе с матерью вынуждены бежать из дворца. Пытаясь не допустить смерти родных, юноша в отчаянии заключает договор с чародеем.Алистер Тиг, Исполняющий Жел...
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