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Автор - Zelda Fitzgerald

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На нашем книжном сайте Вы можете скачать книги автора Zelda Fitzgerald в самых разных форматах (epub, fb2, pdf, txt и многие другие). А так же читать книги онлайн и бесплатно на любом устройстве – iPad, iPhone, планшете под управлением Android, на любой специализированной читалке. Электронная библиотека КнигоГид предлагает литературу Zelda Fitzgerald в жанрах .

Творчество Zelda Fitzgerald

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Zelda Fitzgerald. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F.Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald
Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F.Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald

Through his alcoholism and her mental illness, his career highs (and lows) and her institutional confinement, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald's devotion to each other endured for more than twenty-two years. Now, for the first time, the story of the love of these two glamorous and hugely talented writers can be given in their own letters. Introduced by an extensive narrative of the Fitzgeralds'...

Save Me the Waltz
Save Me the Waltz

Christened the "the First American Flapper", Zelda Fitzgerald was a famous glamour girl of the 1920s and an aspiring ballerina. "Save Me the Waltz" is her first and only novel. It is a vivid and moving story - a confessional which captures the spirit of era and one that illuminates the life and work of her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald.