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Автор - Стенли Бинг

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Stanley Bing is the pen name of Gil Schwartz (born May 20, 1951 in New York, NY), a business humorist and novelist. He has written a column for Fortune magazine for more than ten years, after having spent a decade at Esquire, and has written many books. Schwartz is the executive vice president of corporate communications for CBS.Stanley Bing is a columnist, novelist, and writer of a large body of work dedicated to exploring the relationship between pathology and authority. He first appeared in t...

Stanley Bing is the pen name of Gil Schwartz (born May 20, 1951 in New York, NY), a business humorist and novelist. He has written a column for Fortune magazine for more than ten years, after having spent a decade at Esquire, and has written many books. Schwartz is the executive vice president of corporate communications for CBS.Stanley Bing is a columnist, novelist, and writer of a large body of work dedicated to exploring the relationship between pathology and authority. He first appeared in the pages of Esquire Magazine, writing a one-page column on corporate strategies at the back of the magazine. In a few years, he had moved to the front of the magazine and began to issue a series of 2500-word essays, mostly on business, sometimes not, that are still remembered by many who got their first options in the 90s.His first book was a small devil's dictionary of business terms called Bizwords. Crazy Bosses, which established the early groundwork of his subsequent career, was published in 1990. It was at this point that Bing, who had been writing in secret within a large multinational corporation, revealed his existence to his colleagues at Westinghouse, who had heretofore known him only by his given name. In the years to come, Bing continued to appear as Schwartz in business settings, but published primarily under his psuedonym. A series of best-selling business books appeared, including What Would Machiavelli Do?: The Ends Justify The Meanness; Throwing The Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up; Sun Tzu Was A Sissy, and, published simultaneously in the spring of 2006, Rome, Inc.: The Rise and Fall of the First Multinational Corporation, and 100 Bullshit Jobs and How To Get Them. In 2007, Bing published a thoroughly revised edition of "Crazy Bosses", adding a layer of strategy that did not exist in the earlier edition, and in 2008, "Executricks: How to Retire While You're Still Working." Bing is also the author of two novels, Lloyd: What Happened, a comedy that introduced extensive business graphics into the novel for the first time, and You Look Nice Today, a comic tragedy. He is currently at work on a new novel and a series of illustrated fables.Bing also appears extensively online. In 2007, he began a daily blog, www.stanleybing.com, which appears on FORTUNE's website as well as that of its parent, CNNMoney, and currently syndicates his writing and video blogs at Huffington Post and The Street. Most recently, he began an advice column at the business destination BNET.
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Творчество Стенли Бинг

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Стенли Бинг. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

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Внимание! Сядьте. Дышите глубже. Перед вами - последнее в вашей жизни деловое пособие. Никакие другие отныне вам не понадобятся. Потому что на страницах этой книги Стэнли Бинг решает главную проблему вашей трудовой жизни - как научиться управлять начальником. Дело это совсем несложное... не сложнее, чем забросить в небо слона. Все, что для этого требуется - соответствующее настроение, поэтапный п...

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