На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Джерри Сигел. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The first Silver Age Superman Archive, reprinting ACTION COMICS #241-247 and SUPERMAN #122-126 (1958-1959)! This volume, with an introduction by Mark Waid, features the debuts of the Fortress of Solitude, Brainiac, Kandor, the Super-Pets, and much more!
Some of the Man of Steel's earliest exploits are in this lavish, pricey hardcover. Taken from the long-running World's Finest Comics, they depict a character still in the hands of his originators. Siegel wrote most of them; artist Joe Shuster first drew and later supervised the artwork. Dating from 1939 to 1944, the 17 stories trace the development of comics' first superhero. Shuste...
The first Silver Age Superman Archive, reprinting ACTION COMICS #241-247 and SUPERMAN #122-126 (1958-1959)! This volume, with an introduction by Mark Waid, features the debuts of the Fortress of Solitude, Brainiac, Kandor, the Super-Pets, and much more!
Some of the Man of Steel's earliest exploits are in this lavish, pricey hardcover. Taken from the long-running World's Finest Comics, they depict a character still in the hands of his originators. Siegel wrote most of them; artist Joe Shuster first drew and later supervised the artwork. Dating from 1939 to 1944, the 17 stories trace the development of comics' first superhero. Shuste...
The first Silver Age Superman Archive, reprinting ACTION COMICS #241-247 and SUPERMAN #122-126 (1958-1959)! This volume, with an introduction by Mark Waid, features the debuts of the Fortress of Solitude, Brainiac, Kandor, the Super-Pets, and much more!
Some of the Man of Steel's earliest exploits are in this lavish, pricey hardcover. Taken from the long-running World's Finest Comics, they depict a character still in the hands of his originators. Siegel wrote most of them; artist Joe Shuster first drew and later supervised the artwork. Dating from 1939 to 1944, the 17 stories trace the development of comics' first superhero. Shuste...
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