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Автор - Richard Dinnick

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Творчество Richard Dinnick

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Richard Dinnick. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Doctor Who: The Wanderer
Doctor Who: The Wanderer

Siberia at the end of the 19th Century, and the TARDIS arrives just as a shooting star hurtles to the ground. With it comes an illness that affects the Doctor and Susan, and knowledge that must not fall into the wrong hands. With his friends either dying or lost, Ian Chesterton must save the future and win the ultimate prize - a way home to 1963...

Doctor Who: The Rings of Ikiria
Doctor Who: The Rings of Ikiria

UNIT is accustomed to dealing with visitors from space, but nothing has prepared them for Ikiria, an alien artist bearing gifts. Could Ikiria’s designs be something more than aesthetic? As the Brigadier turns against him, Mike Yates goes on the run. Can he save the world? Or will he just learn an important lesson in betrayal?

Recorded Time and Other Stories
Recorded Time and Other Stories

Recorded Time by Catherine Harvey The TARDIS travellers find themselves at the court of Henry VIII, where the tragic Anne Boleyn will soon be discarded by her King in favour of the lovely Perpugilliam Brown. Or so it is written… Paradoxicide by Richard Dinnick On the legendary lost planet of Sendos, the Doctor and Peri find themselves caught up in the hunt for the cache of galaxy-busting supe...

Doctor Who: The Missy Chronicles
Doctor Who: The Missy Chronicles

Know your frenemy. ?I?ve had adventures too. My whole life doesn?t revolve around you, you know.? When she's not busy amassing armies of Cybermen, or manipulating the Doctor and his companions, Missy has plenty of time to kill (literally). In this all new collection of stories about the renegade Time Lord we all love to hate, you'll discover just some of the mad and malevolent acti...