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Книги Ивлина Во

Ивлин Во - автор 95 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Возвращение в Брайдсхед, Незабвенная, Мерзкая плоть. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Литература на английском языке
Decline and Fall
Decline and Fall

Данная серия представляет профессионально подобранную библиотеку для подростков и старшеклассников, куда включены адаптированные версии классической и современной литературы, а также истории из реальной жизни. Серию отличает четкая уровневая система, обеспечивающая понимание содержания учащимися соответствующих уровней владения английским языком. Отличительные характеристики серии: - 10 ст...

Наклейки на чемодане
Наклейки на чемодане

Сокращенная версия книги путевых заметок. "Это произведение, отмеченное суховатым юмором, интересно не столько описаниями шаблонных туристических достопримечательностей и красот Средиземноморья, сколько зарисовками быта и нравов туземцев, так или иначе вовлеченных в туристический бизнес, и эскизными портретами спутников повествователя". (Николай Мельников)

The Letters of Evelyn Waugh
The Letters of Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh was the last of the great letter-writers, and his witty, elegant correspondence to a wide circle of friends contains more than a touch of malice. In the 1920s Waugh wrote to a schoolfriend about his undergraduate escapades at Oxford and the Harold Acton and Henry Green of his unhappy jobs, his literary plans and the break-up of his first marriage. In the 1930s his boistero...

Классическая литература
Пригоршня праха. Мерзкая плоть. Упадок и разрушение
Пригоршня праха. Мерзкая плоть. Упадок и разрушение

Ивлин Во (1903–1966) – выдающийся британский писатель, биограф и журналист, один из самых тонких стилистов, а также признанный мастер черного юмора и убийственно едкой сатиры; создатель гротескно-смешных фантазий, где причудливо преломляется жизненный уклад уходящей в прошлое Британской империи. В настоящее издание вошли три романа, которые, без сомнения, можно отнести к наиболее ярким и широко из...

Современная проза
Prose. Memoirs. Essays
Prose. Memoirs. Essays

Ивлин Во - признанный мастер сатирической прозы, один из крупнейших английских писателей XX века. В настоящий сборник включены произведения, созданные писателем в разных жанрах и на разных этапах его творческого пути - сатирический роман "Упадок и разрушение", психологическая повесть "Прерванная работа", ряд рассказов и эссе. Сборник сопровождается предисловием на русском языке и комментария...

Современная проза
Black Mischief. Scoop. The Loved One. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold
Black Mischief. Scoop. The Loved One. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold

In honor of the hundredth anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s birth, four of the master’s most wickedly scathing comedies are here brought together in one volume. Black Mischief is Waugh at his most mischievous–inventing a politically loopy African state as a means of pulverizing politics at home. In Scoop, it is journalism’s turn to be drawn and quartered. The Loved One (which became a famously hila...

Мемуары и биографии
Waugh Abroad: Collected Travel Writing
Waugh Abroad: Collected Travel Writing

Thirty years’ worth of Evelyn Waugh’s inimitable travel writings have been gathered together for the first time in one volume. Waugh’s accounts of his travels–spanning the years from 1929 to 1958–describe journeys through the West Indies, Mexico, South America, the Holy Land, and Africa. And just as his travels informed his fiction, his novelist’s sensibility is apparent in each of these pieces...

Художественная литература
The Sword of Honour Trilogy
The Sword of Honour Trilogy

This trilogy of novels about World War II, largely based on his own experiences as an army officer, is the crowning achievement of Evelyn Waugh’s career. Its central character is Guy Crouchback, head of an ancient but decayed Catholic family, who at first discovers new purpose in the challenge to defend Christian values against Nazi barbarism, but then gradually finds the complexities and crueltie...

Черная беда
Черная беда

Классическая литература

В романе ?Елена? раскрывается богатая духовная жизнь наших ученых - химиков, физиков, философов, роль мировоззрения в научной деятельности. Любовная трагедия, пережитая героиней романа, молодым талантливым ученым Еленой Корниловой, обрисована автором во всей ее жизненной сложности.

When the Going Was Good
When the Going Was Good

This is an anthology of four travel books written by English author Evelyn Waugh. The book consists of fragments from the travel books Labels (1930), Remote People (1931), Ninety-Two Days (1934), and Waugh In Abyssinia (1936). The author writes that these pages are all that he wishes to preserve of the four books

Современная проза
Mr Loveday's Little Outing & Other Early Stories
Mr Loveday's Little Outing & Other Early Stories

In this unique collection of Waugh's early short stories, some of which became the inspirations for his novels, Waugh displays his unique talent for comedy and narration. 'Mr Loveday's Little Outing' is a blackly comic tale of a mental asylum and its favourite resident, while 'Cruise' sees a hilarious series of letters from a naive young woman as she travels with her ...

Мемуары и биографии
The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh
The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh

This collection covers the period from 1911, when Waugh was seven, to 1966, a few weeks before his death. Despite occasional gaps, the diary presents a continuous record of the thoughts and acts of the tantalizingly complex man whom Graham Greene saluted as 'the greatest novelist of my generation.' Here also is an unparalleled day-to-day portrait of the crumbling, giddy society that Waug...

Современная проза
Decline and Fall. Vile Bodies. Put Out More Flags
Decline and Fall. Vile Bodies. Put Out More Flags

1928. English writer, regarded by many as the leading satirical novelist of his day. Among Waugh's most popular books is Brideshead Revisited. Waugh established his literary reputation with this novel, Decline and Fall, an episodic story of the hilarious misadventures of Paul Pennyfeather, whose feckless odyssey begins when he loses his trousers. See other titles by this author available from...

Современная проза
Black Mischief
Black Mischief

When Oxford-educated Emperor Seth succeeds to the throne of the African state of Azania, he has a tough job on his hands. His subjects are ill informed and unruly, and corruption, double-dealing and bloodshed are rife. However, with the aid of the Minister of Modernization, Basil Seal, Seth plans to introduce his people to the civilized ways of the West - but will it be as simple as that? "A com...