На нашем сайте представлены 90 книг автора Джонатана Хикмана. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
It?s the fifth volume of the Eisner-nominated, best-selling EAST OF WEST. ?All These Secrets? is the twisting road of lies that will lead to armageddon. Collects EAST OF WEST #20-24.
Jonathan Hickman's epic story reaches its stunning climax! Earth is under simultaneous attack on multiple fronts. As the Future Foundation and its allies struggle to hold back the Kree Armada, Annihilus' Negative Zone forces prepare to enter our universe through a portal in the Baxter Building. And a fate far worse is coming. If Earth is to be saved, it will take help from Galactus, the ...
Nick Fury, former director of the now-defunct S.H.I.E.L.D, has gathered a special handpicked team. Young and untested, the Secret Warriors are the offspring of the most powerful forces on Earth...and with Fury's guidance, they might just have what it takes to save the world. But their mission is upended when Fury uncovers a bombshell Hydra conspiracy that reaches back for decades, to the very...
The shadow war between Hydra and Leviathan has left a trail of destruction across the globe, and it's up to Nick Fury and his Secret Warriors to take them both out. Fury recruits the Howling Commandos, but will this reunion be the Howlers' last? Now, Fury must make some of the grittiest life-and-death choices his Warriors have ever seen. What is his final wild card, and how deep does his complex a...
Earth's Mightiest Heroes have returned from the stars - but on the world they left behind, new threats have emerged, and the Avengers will be tested like never before. In one cataclysmic day, the face of the Marvel Universe will change forever...and the fight for Earth's future will begin. Smasher, Sunspot, and Cannonball find themselves trapped and prisoners of A.I.M.'s Scientist S...
Мультивселенная умирает. Осталось всего лишь два мира. Сегодня Земля вселенной Марвел в последний раз столкнётся с Землёй вселенной Алтимейт, и в таком конфликте не сможет выжить ни одна из них!
«Фантастическая Четвёрка: Решить Все» — это интеллектуальная смесь из семейной супергероики и научной фантастики от одного из главных архитекторов вселенной Marvel, великого и ужасного Джонатана Хикмана. «Величайший комикс на свете», повествующий о столкновении ФЧ с беспощадным Норманом Озборном, а также роковом открытии в жизни Рида Ричардса, которому суждено изменить не только мир Фантастической...
The greatest "Avengers" stories are assembled in one super-sized slipcased volume! Including the fateful day when five heroes unite; Captain America returns; the old order changing for the very first time, battles with Ultron, Count Nefaria, Kang and the Red Skull; Spider- Man and Wolverine join a new roster and Cap and Iron Man expand the team to handle an "Avengers World"! Collects: "Avengers" (...
It?s the fifth volume of the Eisner-nominated, best-selling EAST OF WEST. ?All These Secrets? is the twisting road of lies that will lead to armageddon. Collects EAST OF WEST #20-24.
Jonathan Hickman's epic story reaches its stunning climax! Earth is under simultaneous attack on multiple fronts. As the Future Foundation and its allies struggle to hold back the Kree Armada, Annihilus' Negative Zone forces prepare to enter our universe through a portal in the Baxter Building. And a fate far worse is coming. If Earth is to be saved, it will take help from Galactus, the ...
Nick Fury, former director of the now-defunct S.H.I.E.L.D, has gathered a special handpicked team. Young and untested, the Secret Warriors are the offspring of the most powerful forces on Earth...and with Fury's guidance, they might just have what it takes to save the world. But their mission is upended when Fury uncovers a bombshell Hydra conspiracy that reaches back for decades, to the very...
The shadow war between Hydra and Leviathan has left a trail of destruction across the globe, and it's up to Nick Fury and his Secret Warriors to take them both out. Fury recruits the Howling Commandos, but will this reunion be the Howlers' last? Now, Fury must make some of the grittiest life-and-death choices his Warriors have ever seen. What is his final wild card, and how deep does his complex a...
Earth's Mightiest Heroes have returned from the stars - but on the world they left behind, new threats have emerged, and the Avengers will be tested like never before. In one cataclysmic day, the face of the Marvel Universe will change forever...and the fight for Earth's future will begin. Smasher, Sunspot, and Cannonball find themselves trapped and prisoners of A.I.M.'s Scientist S...
Мультивселенная умирает. Осталось всего лишь два мира. Сегодня Земля вселенной Марвел в последний раз столкнётся с Землёй вселенной Алтимейт, и в таком конфликте не сможет выжить ни одна из них!
«Фантастическая Четвёрка: Решить Все» — это интеллектуальная смесь из семейной супергероики и научной фантастики от одного из главных архитекторов вселенной Marvel, великого и ужасного Джонатана Хикмана. «Величайший комикс на свете», повествующий о столкновении ФЧ с беспощадным Норманом Озборном, а также роковом открытии в жизни Рида Ричардса, которому суждено изменить не только мир Фантастической...
The greatest "Avengers" stories are assembled in one super-sized slipcased volume! Including the fateful day when five heroes unite; Captain America returns; the old order changing for the very first time, battles with Ultron, Count Nefaria, Kang and the Red Skull; Spider- Man and Wolverine join a new roster and Cap and Iron Man expand the team to handle an "Avengers World"! Collects: "Avengers" (...
It?s the fifth volume of the Eisner-nominated, best-selling EAST OF WEST. ?All These Secrets? is the twisting road of lies that will lead to armageddon. Collects EAST OF WEST #20-24.
Jonathan Hickman's epic story reaches its stunning climax! Earth is under simultaneous attack on multiple fronts. As the Future Foundation and its allies struggle to hold back the Kree Armada, Annihilus' Negative Zone forces prepare to enter our universe through a portal in the Baxter Building. And a fate far worse is coming. If Earth is to be saved, it will take help from Galactus, the ...
Nick Fury, former director of the now-defunct S.H.I.E.L.D, has gathered a special handpicked team. Young and untested, the Secret Warriors are the offspring of the most powerful forces on Earth...and with Fury's guidance, they might just have what it takes to save the world. But their mission is upended when Fury uncovers a bombshell Hydra conspiracy that reaches back for decades, to the very...
The shadow war between Hydra and Leviathan has left a trail of destruction across the globe, and it's up to Nick Fury and his Secret Warriors to take them both out. Fury recruits the Howling Commandos, but will this reunion be the Howlers' last? Now, Fury must make some of the grittiest life-and-death choices his Warriors have ever seen. What is his final wild card, and how deep does his complex a...
Earth's Mightiest Heroes have returned from the stars - but on the world they left behind, new threats have emerged, and the Avengers will be tested like never before. In one cataclysmic day, the face of the Marvel Universe will change forever...and the fight for Earth's future will begin. Smasher, Sunspot, and Cannonball find themselves trapped and prisoners of A.I.M.'s Scientist S...
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