Шеннон Макгвайр родилась в городе Мартинез, штат Калифорния, и росла среди дикой природы. Несмотря на свою почти магнетическую тягу ко всему ядовитому или около того, она как-то все-таки умудрилась выжить и дожить до дня, когда к ней в руки попала пишущая машинка, желание покопаться в английском языке, а затем она сложила два и два. Тот факт, что ее не убили за то, что она печатала на машинке в три часа ночи, пожалуй, впечатляет куда как больше, нежели то, как Шенное чудом избежала смерти от уку...
Шеннон Макгвайр родилась в городе Мартинез, штат Калифорния, и росла среди дикой природы. Несмотря на свою почти магнетическую тягу ко всему ядовитому или около того, она как-то все-таки умудрилась выжить и дожить до дня, когда к ней в руки попала пишущая машинка, желание покопаться в английском языке, а затем она сложила два и два. Тот факт, что ее не убили за то, что она печатала на машинке в три часа ночи, пожалуй, впечатляет куда как больше, нежели то, как Шенное чудом избежала смерти от укуса паука. Ее воспитание принесло любовь к гремучим змеям и боязнь непогоды.
Шеннон - автор серии книг в жанре фантастики об Октобер Дэй и трилогии Newsflesh под псевдонимом Мира Грант. Она работает еще над семью книгами, рассказы появлялись в ряде антологий. В свободное от работы время Шеннон пишет музыку. Она уже издала три диска, а еще она мультипликатор и художник - в частности, она выступает автором веб-комикса и иногда создает карточки с собственными рисунками. Шеннон живет в Северной Калифорнии в старом фермерском доме с тремя кошками - Лили, Элис и Томасом - и да, у нее есть большая коллекция фильмов ужасов!
Шеннон Макгвайр - обладатель премии имени Джона Кэмбела в номинации "Лучший дебют - 2010". Ее роман "Feed" был включен в список лучших романов 2010 года по версии Publishers Weekly.
На нашем сайте представлены 47 книг автора Шеннона Макгвайра. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
"The trouble with wanting to do the right thing is that frequently the right thing today is the wrong thing for tomorrow, or the wrong thing for the people who are standing between you and your perfect, platonic future. The wild was the wrong place for our elephant, just like the recycler was the wrong place for Billie, and the cities were the wrong place for me." A tale of bioengineering, a ca...
Things are looking up. For the first time in what feels like years, October ?Toby? Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life?and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and a King of Cats to love, and maybe, just maybe, she can let her guard down for a change. Or not. When Queen Windermere?s seneschal is elf-shot...
It may have taken them years to reach the point of admitting that there was a mutual attraction between them, but now that they have, it's time for October Daye and Tybalt to begin exploring their relationship, such as it is, and deciding what it is going to mean for them going forward. But when an old-fashioned pureblood and a modern changeling decide to court, what form can that courtship possib...
Kurt Wagner is the star of the Age of X-Man! From the Munich circus to Hollywood Boulevard, everyone loves Nightcrawler - the biggest celebrity/super hero since Dwayne Johnson! And juggling Kurt's responsibilities as one of the X-Men and his slate of summer blockbusters would be impossible without the best support staff in the business: stunt coordinator Magma! Personal trainer Kylun! And of cours...
Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65, makes her sensational return! And she's picking up right where she left off, fighting crime through her home reality - unaware that it sits on the precipice of interdimensional calamity! Spider-Geddon is about to rock Gwen's world! Finding herself trapped in a parallel dimension as her friends and fellow Spiders are dying...with her teleporter watch destro...
Toby thought she understood her own past; she thought she knew the score. She was wrong. It's time to learn the truth.
Когда мертвые восстали из своих могил, часть студентов и преподавателей университета забаррикадировались в корпусах и аудиториях, обмениваясь информацией с помощью интернета и громкоговорителей
When Alex Price agreed to go to Ohio to oversee a basilisk breeding program and assist in the recovery of his psychic cousin, he didn't expect people to start dropping dead. But bodies are cropping up at the zoo where he works, and his girlfriend--Shelby Tanner, an Australian zoologist with a fondness for big cats--is starting to get suspicious. Worse yet, the bodies have all been turned part...
Normal, adjective: Conforming to the standard or common type. See also “ordinary.” Abnormal, adjective: Deviating from the common type, such as playing monster-hunter on the rooftops of Manhattan. See also “Verity Price.” Telepathic mathematicians. Chess-playing dragons. Bogeyman nightclub owners. Talking mice. The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to p...
"The trouble with wanting to do the right thing is that frequently the right thing today is the wrong thing for tomorrow, or the wrong thing for the people who are standing between you and your perfect, platonic future. The wild was the wrong place for our elephant, just like the recycler was the wrong place for Billie, and the cities were the wrong place for me." A tale of bioengineering, a ca...
Things are looking up. For the first time in what feels like years, October ?Toby? Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life?and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and a King of Cats to love, and maybe, just maybe, she can let her guard down for a change. Or not. When Queen Windermere?s seneschal is elf-shot...
It may have taken them years to reach the point of admitting that there was a mutual attraction between them, but now that they have, it's time for October Daye and Tybalt to begin exploring their relationship, such as it is, and deciding what it is going to mean for them going forward. But when an old-fashioned pureblood and a modern changeling decide to court, what form can that courtship possib...
Kurt Wagner is the star of the Age of X-Man! From the Munich circus to Hollywood Boulevard, everyone loves Nightcrawler - the biggest celebrity/super hero since Dwayne Johnson! And juggling Kurt's responsibilities as one of the X-Men and his slate of summer blockbusters would be impossible without the best support staff in the business: stunt coordinator Magma! Personal trainer Kylun! And of cours...
Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65, makes her sensational return! And she's picking up right where she left off, fighting crime through her home reality - unaware that it sits on the precipice of interdimensional calamity! Spider-Geddon is about to rock Gwen's world! Finding herself trapped in a parallel dimension as her friends and fellow Spiders are dying...with her teleporter watch destro...
Toby thought she understood her own past; she thought she knew the score. She was wrong. It's time to learn the truth.
Когда мертвые восстали из своих могил, часть студентов и преподавателей университета забаррикадировались в корпусах и аудиториях, обмениваясь информацией с помощью интернета и громкоговорителей
When Alex Price agreed to go to Ohio to oversee a basilisk breeding program and assist in the recovery of his psychic cousin, he didn't expect people to start dropping dead. But bodies are cropping up at the zoo where he works, and his girlfriend--Shelby Tanner, an Australian zoologist with a fondness for big cats--is starting to get suspicious. Worse yet, the bodies have all been turned part...
Normal, adjective: Conforming to the standard or common type. See also “ordinary.” Abnormal, adjective: Deviating from the common type, such as playing monster-hunter on the rooftops of Manhattan. See also “Verity Price.” Telepathic mathematicians. Chess-playing dragons. Bogeyman nightclub owners. Talking mice. The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to p...
"The trouble with wanting to do the right thing is that frequently the right thing today is the wrong thing for tomorrow, or the wrong thing for the people who are standing between you and your perfect, platonic future. The wild was the wrong place for our elephant, just like the recycler was the wrong place for Billie, and the cities were the wrong place for me." A tale of bioengineering, a ca...
Things are looking up. For the first time in what feels like years, October ?Toby? Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life?and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and a King of Cats to love, and maybe, just maybe, she can let her guard down for a change. Or not. When Queen Windermere?s seneschal is elf-shot...
It may have taken them years to reach the point of admitting that there was a mutual attraction between them, but now that they have, it's time for October Daye and Tybalt to begin exploring their relationship, such as it is, and deciding what it is going to mean for them going forward. But when an old-fashioned pureblood and a modern changeling decide to court, what form can that courtship possib...
Kurt Wagner is the star of the Age of X-Man! From the Munich circus to Hollywood Boulevard, everyone loves Nightcrawler - the biggest celebrity/super hero since Dwayne Johnson! And juggling Kurt's responsibilities as one of the X-Men and his slate of summer blockbusters would be impossible without the best support staff in the business: stunt coordinator Magma! Personal trainer Kylun! And of cours...
Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65, makes her sensational return! And she's picking up right where she left off, fighting crime through her home reality - unaware that it sits on the precipice of interdimensional calamity! Spider-Geddon is about to rock Gwen's world! Finding herself trapped in a parallel dimension as her friends and fellow Spiders are dying...with her teleporter watch destro...
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