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Автор - Катержина Тучкова

Катержина Тучкова

1980 г.
Kateřina Tučková

Краткая биография автора

Современная чешская писательница и куратор арт-проектов. Родилась в 1980 году в Брно, закончила Масариковый университет. В 2004 году основала проект ARSkontakt – ежегодную выставку современного искусства.Kateřina Tučková was born in 1980 in Brno, Czech Republic and grew up in a small South Moravian village, which had strong ties with the church and stood mostly undisturbed by the Communist regime.She later moved back to Brno, where she attended high school before moving onto the Philosophical Fa...

Современная чешская писательница и куратор арт-проектов. Родилась в 1980 году в Брно, закончила Масариковый университет. В 2004 году основала проект ARSkontakt – ежегодную выставку современного искусства.Kateřina Tučková was born in 1980 in Brno, Czech Republic and grew up in a small South Moravian village, which had strong ties with the church and stood mostly undisturbed by the Communist regime.She later moved back to Brno, where she attended high school before moving onto the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk´s University, department of History of art and Czech literature. The flat she moved into was in an old building with a long and strange history; having played host first to the expulsion of the Jewish families that lived there by the Germans, who in turn were then chased out at the end of World War II during the so called “wild transfers” and substituted by Czech families. It was these two historical experiences that deeply moved and inspired her to write her best known novel, “The Expulsion of Gerta Schnirch.”During her studies she organized exhibitions for artists from her generation, and in 2004 set up the project ARSkontakt, with an annual exhibition called Konfrontace (confrontation), where young artists heralding from every Czech art Institution could compare their works, confronting each other with new ideas and styles, cumulating in the ARSkontakt Award.Between 2004 and 2006 she worked as an art curator for her ARSkontakt Gallery which focused on supporting young artists. She now works as a freelance curator, mainly in cooperation with Prague private galleries, moving onto bigger international events such as the TRANSFER exhibition held in the White BOX Gallery, Munich (2007), Bohemian National Hall New York (2008) and 'OUR HOUSE IS YOUR HOUSE' exhibition held in Geh8 Gallery, Dresden (2010). As well as this she also finds the time to study for her PhD at the Charles University of Prague, focussing on art of the 20th Century.In her literary career Kateřina Tučková is the author of a number of professional publications about contemporary Czech fine art such as New Patience: The borders are drawing aside (2007), Slovem i obrazem,(2008), The Normal Painting (2009) and others. In many of them she connects her professional and literary skills, such as in the book My Father Kamil Lhoták (Vltavín Publishing House 2008), the life story of the important Czech artist, and member of the group “Skupina 42,” Kamil Lhoták, told from the point of view of his son. She is also the author of biography of the writer Věra Sládková – Věra Sládková. Prose work. (Vltavín Publishing House, 2009).With her short stories she made her début in Tvar magazine in 2003, going onto being published in magazines such as Host, Literární noviny, Netřesk, Weles etc. Her story The Last Evening was included in an anthology of contemporary Czech women writers; Ty, která píšeš (She who writes – Artes Liberales Publishing House, 2008) which was also translated into Portuguese (Elas escrevem, Thesaurus editor de Brasilia, 2010).Her first novel, Montespaniáda, was published in 2006 (Větrné mlýny Publishing House), but it was her second novel, Vyhnání Gerty Schnirch (The Expulsion of Gerta Schnirch, Host Publishing House, 2009) which gained her the most attention. This controversial novel, telling the story of a young Czech-German girl after her expulsion from Brno, went on to win the 2010 Magnesia Literature Award (Readers Award honoured by Knižní klub) as well as being nominated for the Josef Škvorecký Award for Czech writers, and for the Jiří Orten Award for writers under the age of 35.In her third novel, Žítkovské bohyně (The Goddesses of Žítková, Host Publishing House, 2011) Kateřina continues with her focus on Czech recent history, with the true story of a group of women gifted with abnormal spiritual powers, in particular the fate of one family who after surviving the inquisitions of the 17th Century, as well as their struggles with social phobia and discrimination, priestly condemnation and court trials during the 19th Century, are then destroyed by the secret service under the Communist regime in the 20th Century.Kateřina Tučková lives in Brno and Prague, Czech Republic.
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