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Автор - Marley Zarcone

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Творчество Marley Zarcone

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Marley Zarcone. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Shade The Changing Girl Issue 1
Shade The Changing Girl Issue 1

On the planet Meta, young Loma steals the madness coat that once belonged to Rac Shade and makes a break across galaxies to take up residence in a new body: Earth girl Megan Boyer. Only now Loma learns that Megan was a bully whom everyone hated, and Loma has to survive high school with the ever-growing and uncontrollable madness at her side—not to mention there are people back on her homeworld who...

Shade The Changing Girl Issue 2
Shade The Changing Girl Issue 2

On the planet Meta, young Loma steals the madness coat that once belonged to Rac Shade and makes a break across galaxies to take up residence in a new body: Earth girl Megan Boyer. Only now Loma learns that Megan was a bully whom everyone hated, and Loma has to survive high school with the ever-growing and uncontrollable madness at her side—not to mention there are people back on her homeworld who...

Shade The Changing Girl Issue 3
Shade The Changing Girl Issue 3

On the planet Meta, young Loma steals the madness coat that once belonged to Rac Shade and makes a break across galaxies to take up residence in a new body: Earth girl Megan Boyer. Only now Loma learns that Megan was a bully whom everyone hated, and Loma has to survive high school with the ever-growing and uncontrollable madness at her side—not to mention there are people back on her homeworld who...