На нашем сайте представлены 15 книг автора Джейсона Хёрли. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
New clues to the Beauty murders case lead detectives Foster and Vaughn down an increasingly complicated path to finding the Narcissus Killer.
Past and present collide as Detective Vaughn and Foster's hunt for the Narcissus Killer coincides with a dark anniversary.
END OF STORY ARC! The hunt for the Narcissus Killer ends as Detectives Vaughn and Foster come face to face with a career-defining enemy.
Corporate greed, classic conspiracy, and podcasting collide in the new issue of THE BEAUTY.
Timo and Ezerae's brutal quest for revenge collides with Detectives Foster and Vaughn's newest case. Now they must form an uneasy alliance if they want to survive. Collects issues 22 through 26.
THE BEAUTY returns, merging characters and storylines from earlier arcs into a twisting tale of vanity, power, and the quest to obtain both at any cost. In a world where achieving pure beauty means dying for it, the question of what life is actually worth becomes more important than ever. Collects issues #12-16
Corporate espionage, government secrets, and private military contracts are uncovered as an investigative journalist looks deep into Abericorp, the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the world. Collects issues #17-21.
NEW STORY ARC How does an average Joe find love in the world of THE BEAUTY? Artist JEREMY HAUN returns to kick off the third arc!
A killer is targeting the Beauty-infected, and it's up to Detectives Foster and Vaughn to find and stop them before they strike again.
New clues to the Beauty murders case lead detectives Foster and Vaughn down an increasingly complicated path to finding the Narcissus Killer.
Past and present collide as Detective Vaughn and Foster's hunt for the Narcissus Killer coincides with a dark anniversary.
END OF STORY ARC! The hunt for the Narcissus Killer ends as Detectives Vaughn and Foster come face to face with a career-defining enemy.
Corporate greed, classic conspiracy, and podcasting collide in the new issue of THE BEAUTY.
Timo and Ezerae's brutal quest for revenge collides with Detectives Foster and Vaughn's newest case. Now they must form an uneasy alliance if they want to survive. Collects issues 22 through 26.
THE BEAUTY returns, merging characters and storylines from earlier arcs into a twisting tale of vanity, power, and the quest to obtain both at any cost. In a world where achieving pure beauty means dying for it, the question of what life is actually worth becomes more important than ever. Collects issues #12-16
Corporate espionage, government secrets, and private military contracts are uncovered as an investigative journalist looks deep into Abericorp, the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the world. Collects issues #17-21.
NEW STORY ARC How does an average Joe find love in the world of THE BEAUTY? Artist JEREMY HAUN returns to kick off the third arc!
A killer is targeting the Beauty-infected, and it's up to Detectives Foster and Vaughn to find and stop them before they strike again.
New clues to the Beauty murders case lead detectives Foster and Vaughn down an increasingly complicated path to finding the Narcissus Killer.
Past and present collide as Detective Vaughn and Foster's hunt for the Narcissus Killer coincides with a dark anniversary.
END OF STORY ARC! The hunt for the Narcissus Killer ends as Detectives Vaughn and Foster come face to face with a career-defining enemy.
Corporate greed, classic conspiracy, and podcasting collide in the new issue of THE BEAUTY.
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