Кэтрин Мэнсфилд - автор 89 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Чашка чая, Актриса, Пикник. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Katherine Mansfield wrote some of the finest short stories of the 20th century. Subtly perceptive, often satirical, the stories in this collection range from her earliest piece, "The Tiredness of Rosabel," a poignant unfolding of frustrated longings, to other tales of isolation and oppression, such as the powerfully bleak "The Woman at the Store" and the stylistically innovative dialogues "Late at...
Emotions and relationships delicately but intensely registered, and some of the best descriptive writing in English, characterize the short stories of Katherine Mansfield. The Garden Party, published in 1922, was her last book to appear before her early death, and it made her reputation as one of the handful of unquestioned masters of the short story form.
Katherine Mansfield is one of New Zealand’s most famous and influential writers. While her work is well known, many will be surprised to learn that the ‘accepted’ versions of her stories are often pale reflections of the original manuscripts. Mansfield with Monsters is the first time that Mansfield’s vision of the supernatural has been published in full – a dream that she often spoke of in her ...
В учебное пособие для изучающих английский язык включены оригинальные тексты для чтения - рассказы известной писательницы Кэтрин Мэнсфилд, отдельные главы из повести Марка Твена "Жизнь на Миссисипи", а также образцы английского юмора. Книга адресована старшеклассникам и студентам языковых вузов.
Кэтрин Мэнсфилд (Кэтлин Бичем) - британская писательница. Ее новеллы замечены деликатным психологизмом, непримиримостью к мещанству и его норовам. Впрочем, ощущение драматизма ежедневной жизни сближает их с повествованиями А. П. Чехова.
Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance when you are a girl of eighteen! But life can also be hard and cruel, if you are young and inexperienced and travelling alone across Europe... or if you are a child from the wrong social class... or a singer without work and the rent to be paid. Set in Europe and New Zealand, these nine stories b...
Кэтрин Мэнсфилд (Кэтлин Бичем) – английская писательница.Ее новеллы отмечены тонким психологизмом, непримиримостью к мещанству и его нравам. Ощущение драматизма повседневной жизни сближает их с рассказами А.П.Чехова.БлаженствоМаленькая гувернанткаСоленые огурцы с укропомДень мистера Реджинольда ПикокаФрау Брехенмэхер посещает свадьбуПсихологияНапрасные ожиданияЛисток из альбомаДочери покойного пол...
Рассказ «Юная особа» Кэтрин Мэнсфилд (1888–1923, Новая Зеландия) был впервые издан в 1920 году и включен в коллекцию ее работ 1922 года «Вечеринка в саду и другие истории». Повествование начинается с того, как один из центральных персонажей оставляет свою несовершеннолетнюю дочь с другом. Теперь мать может пойти в казино, поскольку детям не позволено входить внутрь заведения. Клэр Томалин, английс...
Recovering from a miscarriage and a bad marriage, author Katherine Mansfield, barely 21, wrote these excellent short stories around the time she was staying in a spa town in Germany. With wry humour, she depicts a German upper middle class defined by their rude habits, but she also touches upon the hard life of servants and the oppression of women. The latter distinguishes her writing from that of...
A level 5 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Rosalie Kerr.Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance when you are a girl of eighteen! But life can also be hard and cruel, if you are young and inexperienced and travelling alone across Europe… or if you are a child from the wrong social class… or a singer...
This Norton Critical Edition includes thirty-five of Katherine Mansfield’s short stories with explanatory annotations. With the exception of the first four stories, all were written within a period of ten years. These stories, and the letters following, reflect the urgency of a writer who knew her time was limited. All but four of the texts of the stories reprinted here are versions that Mansfi...