На нашем сайте представлены 16 книг автора Kelly Thompson. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Marvel Boy is back, and the timing couldn't be worse for Kate Bishop. Her relationship with Fuse is looking shaky, and the last thing she wants is her very hot ex hanging around! Not to mention Kate's former Young Avengers teammate has brought a mountain of trouble to the West Coast! Can Kate clean up after Noh-Varr while keeping him far away from her love life? Read on, True Believers! COLLECTIN...
What do you do when a sentient cosmic event rampages through Japan? ASSEMBLE A-FORCE! Marvel's newest hero, SINGULARITY, has escaped Battleworld and found her way to the Marvel Universe! But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the villainous ANTIMATTER, Singularity will call upon Earth's mightiest team of Avengers. And one thing's for sure: They are A FORCE to be reckoned with!
Written by Kelly Thompson (Jem and the Holograms) and illustrated by Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee), Mega Princess follows Max and her trusted steed Justine (aka “jerk pony”), as they navigate strange new powers, wonderous lands, and their own conflicted friendship in an journey to find out who took Prince Bobs and what greater forces are at play in the kingdom. "Brianne Drouhard’s animation back...
Meet Jerrica Benton - a girl with a secret. She and her sister Kimber team with two friends to become... JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! But what does it mean to be JEM today? Fashion, art, action, and style collide in Jem and the Holograms: Showtime!
Remember Hawkeye? No, not that Hawkeye - your favorite Hawkeye, the former Young Avenger, the butt-kicking hero who had to save that other Hawkguy all the time and basically keep his life in some semblance of order. Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop - making her solo comics debut! Kate is heading back out west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arrow and P.I. badge in to...
To the surprise of everyone, the Marvel Universe's hottest couple has tied the knot! But there's no time to enjoy wedded bliss when ROGUE and GAMBIT find themselves tasked with protecting a mysterious package that just about everyone in the galaxy is trying to steal. What secrets does this package hold that everyone from the Imperial Guard and the Starjammers to Technet and Deathbird (with an enti...
Gambit and Rogue are throwing a party, and everyone is invited! Guest-starring every X-Man their apartment can fit! Hey, who invited the Thieves Guild?! And stuck in the Mojoverse! Rogue and Gambit are forced to relive moments of their past...but this time for the cameras! COLLECTING: MR. AND MRS. X 7-12
ALL THE STARS ALIGN AS KELLY THOMPSON AND CARMEN CARNERO TAKE ON MARVEL'S PREMIER FEMALE SUPER HERO! As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has spent months in space protecting Earth from alien threats big and small, but now it's time for Earth's mightiest hero to come home. New York City has never looked so good. But every re-entry comes with the unexpected, and Carol is about to hit a w...
Can Los Angeles really handle two Hawkeyes? Just as Kate Bishop reaches out to ask for Clint Barton's help with finding her dead mother, the senior bowman shows up needing help of his own. An unknown party is gunning for him - and their attack kicks off a wild chase across the City of Angels! Now, Hawkeye and Hawkeye must try their hardest to stay one step ahead, fully alive, and with minimal prop...
The Avengers go West once again - but these ain't your daddy's Whackos! A bold new era begins for the mightiest heroes to ever live on the Pacifi c Coast. That means Hawkeye (your favorite one, Kate Bishop)! Hawkeye (the other one, Clint Barton)! America Chavez! Kid Omega! Gwenpool! And a guy named Fuse! Wait, what? That's right, these are the new West Coast Avengers. And you better hope they can ...
Marvel Boy is back, and the timing couldn't be worse for Kate Bishop. Her relationship with Fuse is looking shaky, and the last thing she wants is her very hot ex hanging around! Not to mention Kate's former Young Avengers teammate has brought a mountain of trouble to the West Coast! Can Kate clean up after Noh-Varr while keeping him far away from her love life? Read on, True Believers! COLLECTIN...
What do you do when a sentient cosmic event rampages through Japan? ASSEMBLE A-FORCE! Marvel's newest hero, SINGULARITY, has escaped Battleworld and found her way to the Marvel Universe! But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the villainous ANTIMATTER, Singularity will call upon Earth's mightiest team of Avengers. And one thing's for sure: They are A FORCE to be reckoned with!
Written by Kelly Thompson (Jem and the Holograms) and illustrated by Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee), Mega Princess follows Max and her trusted steed Justine (aka “jerk pony”), as they navigate strange new powers, wonderous lands, and their own conflicted friendship in an journey to find out who took Prince Bobs and what greater forces are at play in the kingdom. "Brianne Drouhard’s animation back...
Meet Jerrica Benton - a girl with a secret. She and her sister Kimber team with two friends to become... JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! But what does it mean to be JEM today? Fashion, art, action, and style collide in Jem and the Holograms: Showtime!
Remember Hawkeye? No, not that Hawkeye - your favorite Hawkeye, the former Young Avenger, the butt-kicking hero who had to save that other Hawkguy all the time and basically keep his life in some semblance of order. Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop - making her solo comics debut! Kate is heading back out west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arrow and P.I. badge in to...
To the surprise of everyone, the Marvel Universe's hottest couple has tied the knot! But there's no time to enjoy wedded bliss when ROGUE and GAMBIT find themselves tasked with protecting a mysterious package that just about everyone in the galaxy is trying to steal. What secrets does this package hold that everyone from the Imperial Guard and the Starjammers to Technet and Deathbird (with an enti...
Gambit and Rogue are throwing a party, and everyone is invited! Guest-starring every X-Man their apartment can fit! Hey, who invited the Thieves Guild?! And stuck in the Mojoverse! Rogue and Gambit are forced to relive moments of their past...but this time for the cameras! COLLECTING: MR. AND MRS. X 7-12
ALL THE STARS ALIGN AS KELLY THOMPSON AND CARMEN CARNERO TAKE ON MARVEL'S PREMIER FEMALE SUPER HERO! As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers has spent months in space protecting Earth from alien threats big and small, but now it's time for Earth's mightiest hero to come home. New York City has never looked so good. But every re-entry comes with the unexpected, and Carol is about to hit a w...
Can Los Angeles really handle two Hawkeyes? Just as Kate Bishop reaches out to ask for Clint Barton's help with finding her dead mother, the senior bowman shows up needing help of his own. An unknown party is gunning for him - and their attack kicks off a wild chase across the City of Angels! Now, Hawkeye and Hawkeye must try their hardest to stay one step ahead, fully alive, and with minimal prop...
The Avengers go West once again - but these ain't your daddy's Whackos! A bold new era begins for the mightiest heroes to ever live on the Pacifi c Coast. That means Hawkeye (your favorite one, Kate Bishop)! Hawkeye (the other one, Clint Barton)! America Chavez! Kid Omega! Gwenpool! And a guy named Fuse! Wait, what? That's right, these are the new West Coast Avengers. And you better hope they can ...
Marvel Boy is back, and the timing couldn't be worse for Kate Bishop. Her relationship with Fuse is looking shaky, and the last thing she wants is her very hot ex hanging around! Not to mention Kate's former Young Avengers teammate has brought a mountain of trouble to the West Coast! Can Kate clean up after Noh-Varr while keeping him far away from her love life? Read on, True Believers! COLLECTIN...
What do you do when a sentient cosmic event rampages through Japan? ASSEMBLE A-FORCE! Marvel's newest hero, SINGULARITY, has escaped Battleworld and found her way to the Marvel Universe! But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the villainous ANTIMATTER, Singularity will call upon Earth's mightiest team of Avengers. And one thing's for sure: They are A FORCE to be reckoned with!
Written by Kelly Thompson (Jem and the Holograms) and illustrated by Brianne Drouhard (Harpy Gee), Mega Princess follows Max and her trusted steed Justine (aka “jerk pony”), as they navigate strange new powers, wonderous lands, and their own conflicted friendship in an journey to find out who took Prince Bobs and what greater forces are at play in the kingdom. "Brianne Drouhard’s animation back...
Meet Jerrica Benton - a girl with a secret. She and her sister Kimber team with two friends to become... JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! But what does it mean to be JEM today? Fashion, art, action, and style collide in Jem and the Holograms: Showtime!
Remember Hawkeye? No, not that Hawkeye - your favorite Hawkeye, the former Young Avenger, the butt-kicking hero who had to save that other Hawkguy all the time and basically keep his life in some semblance of order. Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop - making her solo comics debut! Kate is heading back out west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arrow and P.I. badge in to...
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