Andrew Cohen - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Чудеса вселенной, Wonders of Life, Чудеса Солнечной системы. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Профессор Брайан Кокс приглашает в фантастическое путешествие в пространстве и во времени, чтобы показать нечто непостижимое: Это существует 13,7 миллиарда лет, имеет 93 миллиарда световых лет в поперечнике, Оно наполнено более чем ЮС миллиардами галактик, каждая из которых содержит сотни миллиардов звезд. Это место мы называем нашей Вселенной. Она столь огромна и сложна, что это почти невозмож...
В настоящее время данное издание представляет собой наиболее полное исследование Солнечной системы. Брайан Кокс делает оригинальные открытия и отвечает на самые нетривиальные вопросы!
What is Life? Where did it come from? Why does it end? In this beautiful and definitive new book, Professor Brian Cox takes us on an incredible journey to discover how a few fundamental laws gave birth to the most complex, diverse and unique force in the Universe - life itself. There are thought to be as many as 100 million different species on Earth - each and every one governed by the same...
Human life is a staggeringly strange thing. On the surface of a ball of rock falling around a nuclear fireball in the blackness of a vacuum the laws of nature conspired to create a naked ape that can look up at the stars and wonder where it came from. What is a human being? Objectively, nothing of consequence. Particles of dust in an infinite arena, present for an instant in eternity. Clumps of at...
The Sunday Times BestsellerIn Wonders of the Solar System – the book of the acclaimed BBC TV series – Professor Brian Cox will take us on a journey of discovery where alien worlds from your imagination become places we can see, feel and visit.The Wonders of the Solar System – from the giant ice fountains of Enceladus to the liquid methane seas of Titan and from storms twice the size of the Earth t...
Recommended for viewing on a colour tablet.Professor Brian Cox is back with another insightful and mind-blowing exploration of space. This time he shows us our universe as we've never seen it before.13.7 billion years old. 93 billion light years wide. It contains over 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars. This infinite, vast and complex Universe has been the subject ...
206 bones. One heart. Two eyes. Ten fingers. You may think we know what makes up a human. But it turns out our bodies are full of surprises.What makes tears of joy different from tears of sadness?Why is a gut feeling so much smarter than you think?And why is 90% of you not even human?You may think you know the human body – heart, lungs, brain and bones – but it’s time to think again. Your body is ...
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions.‘What is motion?’‘Why is every snowflake different?’‘Why is life symmetrical?’To answer these and many other questions, Professor Brian Cox uncovers some of the most extraordinary natural events on Earth and in the Universe and ...