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Автор - Т. Р. Лайкинс

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As an avid reader who loves and reads most genres. The love of these books spiked my interest to learn more about the book world and the process it took to become an author. Learning as much as I can about the wonderful world of writing, I had to write my stories. I’ve had these stories building in my head for over a year and I just needed to share them with everyone.Educating myself in this industry has made me work hard to obtain my goals of writing and becoming an author. The learning process...

As an avid reader who loves and reads most genres. The love of these books spiked my interest to learn more about the book world and the process it took to become an author. Learning as much as I can about the wonderful world of writing, I had to write my stories. I’ve had these stories building in my head for over a year and I just needed to share them with everyone.Educating myself in this industry has made me work hard to obtain my goals of writing and becoming an author. The learning process has also made me appreciate, what all these authors have accomplished and all the hard work they put into writing and publishing. I quickly learned that it is important to thank an author by leaving reviews of their work. Having many author friends who always answer my many questions has helped me and I love each of them. These authors are my inspiration.I can’t wait to share all my stories with you!!! My novels are Clean New Adult/Young Adult Romance. Hope you enjoy my unique stories about love and happily ever after.Why do I write clean romance novels? I wanted to share my story with everyone and focus more on the storyline. As a mother, I needed to know that my children would be proud of what I write and not be afraid to let them read and be apart of my journey as an author. This world already has too much going on in it that I can’t control them from seeing, but I can make my books something they can be proud to read.Now I can share my stories with anyone at any age group. Adults and teenagers alike can read my stories and I am proud to have kept it clean for everyone to read.Thank you for being apart of my world and taking a chance on reading my stories.I love hearing from my readers so feel free to contact me and let me hear why or how you liked my stories.
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