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Автор - Kenneth Rocafort
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Творчество Kenneth Rocafort

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Kenneth Rocafort. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Sideways Vol. 2: Rifts and Revelations
Sideways Vol. 2: Rifts and Revelations

Reeling from the tragic events of Sideways Vol. 1: Steppin' Out, Derek rejects his family and friends to help the Seven Soldiers find a missing member lost in the Dark Multiverse in Sideways Vol. 2! When Sideways leads the Seven Soldiers into the Dark Multiverse to find the missing Manhattan Guardian, the whole trip goes sideways (zing!) when our hero gets separated from the group and beco...

Superman Vol. 3: Fury at World's End
Superman Vol. 3: Fury at World's End

H'el, a Kryptonian who survived the destruction of Krypton, is determined to resurrect the lost world, destroying Earth in the process unless Superman and his allies can stop him.

Superman Vol. 4: Psi-War
Superman Vol. 4: Psi-War

The Queen of H.I.V.E.(Holistically Intergrated Viral Equality) has placed the telepathic Dr. Hector Hammond's thoughts deep into the recesses of Superman's mind in an effort to control the Man of Steel. The merging of Hammond and the Superman's minds brings about vivid hallucinations that cause Superman to experience different realities and view longtime allies as potential threats...

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