Джейн Йолен - автор 34 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Зеленый рыцарь, За темными лесами: Старые сказки на новый лад, Briar Rose. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Сборник "Зеленый рыцарь" удостоен награды World Fantasy Award (2003) как лучшая антология. Мы попросили авторов отправиться в Зачарованный лес и вернуться оттуда с историями об этих диких землях и существах, их населяющих. Вы встретите здесь ведьм, волков, дриад, людей-оленей, парочку фей и бесчисленное множество духов природы (включая даже дружелюбного зеленого великана). Таинственная извилист...
В давние-предавние времена истории, названные позже "волшебными сказками", взращивались затем, чтобы развлекать не детей, но взрослых, и лишь затем были укрощены, подстрижены и превращены в менее шипастые цветы для детворы. Но на самом-то деле они не утратили колкости, по-прежнему подстегивавшей, будоражившей воображение читателей всех возрастов. Многие годы писатели то и дело одалживали из этих и...
A powerful retelling of Sleeping Beauty that is "heartbreaking and heartwarming." An American Library Association "100 Best Books for Teens" An American Library Association "Best Books for Young Adults" Ever since she was a child, Rebecca has been enchanted by her grandmother Gemma's stories about Briar Rose. But a promise Rebecca makes to her dying grandmother will lead her on a remar...
В «Государевых драконах» авторы объединились, чтобы нарисовать картину из истории альтернативного мира, где в Российской империи веками свирепствовали со своими армиями и драконами цари, носящие прозвища то Великий, то Грозный. Но наступает новое время…
Здесь представлены предварительные записи и наблюдения, сделанные во время нашего столетнего изучения планеты Хендерсон-4, известной в просторечии как Эль-Лаллор, Планета Плакальщиц. Наблюдать, Изучать, Познавать – таков девиз Гильдии Антропологов!
This is the legendary story of Merlin--from his abandonment by his parents at the age of eight to the discovery of his powers at twelve. Together, these three novels reimagine the origins of the greatest wizard of all time, giving readers a Merlin at once more human and more magical than any that has appeared before.
Late one winter night a little girl and her father go owling. The trees stand still as statues and the world is silent as a dream. Whoo-whoo-whoo, the father calls to the mysterious nighttime bird. But there is no answer. Wordlessly the two companions walk along, for when you go owling you don't need words. You don't need anything but hope. Sometimes there isn't an owl, but so...
The newly crowned King Arthur has yet to win the support of the people. Merlin must do something before the king is betrayed, or murdered, or--worst of all--gets married. So Merlin creates a trick: a sword magically placed into a slab of rock that only Arthur can withdraw. Then he lets it be known that whosoever removes the blade will rule all of England, and invites any man who would dare, to try...
Book Description A boxed set that includes the paperback editions of Dragon's Blood, Heart's Blood, and A Sending of Dragons
What creature is this--half man, half fish? So wonder the crew of a small Dutch ship when they pull the creature up from the sea. Surely, they say, we should kill it before it brings bad luck. But the ship's lieutenant is not a superstitious man. Unlike his crew, he feels honor bound to heal the creature and return him to sea. When he spies a sea wife and sea child waiting by the boat, the lieuten...
Master storyteller Jane Yolen (Owl Moon, Sword of the Rightful King) and celebrated fantasy artist Rebecca Guay (Swamp Thing, Magic: The Gathering) weave a textured and lyrical tale of adventure, homelands, and heroism the hard way. Two hundred years ago, humans drove the dragons from the islands of May. Now, the last of the dragons rises to wreak havoc anewwith only a healer's daughter an...
The world of L'Lal'lor (points off for unpronouncable words and excessive use of apostrophes) has a culture with an unusual twist. It is strongly focused on mortality, and specifically on grieving; to grieve for one's deceased relatives is one of the most important duties in life. Into this world comes an exploration team, establishing contact and trying to learn about the local cul...
В книгу вошли произведения американских и советских детских писателей. Сборник выпущен одновременно в США и СССР. Вступление написано Томасом Петтеписом и Анатолием Алексиным. Перевод с английского сделан молодыми переводчиками - выпускниками Московского института иностранных языков.
Poor Henry. It’s not enough that his mother has sent him away from home to learn magic. It’s not enough that everyone at his new school calls him Thornmallow because he’s “prickly on the outside, squishy within.” It’s not enough that the only talent he shows at Wizard’s Hall is an ability to make messes of even the simplest spells. Now, when Wizard’s Hall is threatened by a cruel sorcerer’s fearso...
Relates Sally Jane's experience of changing times in rural America, as she lives through the drowning of the Swift River towns in western Massachusetts to form the Quabbin Reservoir.
The Devil's Arithmetic is a historical fiction novel written by American author Jane Yolen and published in 1988. The book is about Hannah, a Jewish girl who lives in New Rochelle, New York. During a Passover Seder, Hannah is transported back in time to 1942 Poland, during World War II, where she is sent to a Nazi concentration camp and learns the importance of knowing about the past.
It's 1942 in Poland, and the world is coming to pieces. At least that's how it seems to Chaim and Gittel, twins whose lives feel like a fairy tale torn apart, with evil witches, forbidden forests, and dangerous ovens looming on the horizon. But in all darkness there is light, and the twins find it through Chaim's poetry and the love they have for each other. Like the bright flame of...
Пронзительное стихотворение Джейн Йолен из мистической антологии о кошках «Финт хвостом».
Not all princesses dress in pink. Some play in bright red socks that stink, blue team jerseys that don’t quite fit, accessorized with a baseball mitt, and a sparkly crown! Princesses come in all kinds. Exuberant text from Jane Yolen and her daughter Heidi Yolen Stemple paired with charming illustrations prove that girls can jump in mud puddles and climb trees, play sports and make messes—all wh...
Юный Арт знакомится с таинственным драконом. За миску мясной похлебки каждый день дракон передает мальчику по крупицам свою мудрость...
История о самом обычно тролле по имени... Тролль (мама его была лишена фантазии), живущем под мостом и считающем, что все беды от коз, а потому надо питаться чем-то безопасным - вроде травы и кореньев. Но однажды судьба послала ему поджаренную ударом молнии козлятину - ничего вкуснее Тролль в жизни не пробовал и не попробует.