На нашем сайте представлены 19 книг автора Тони Дэниел. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Slade Wilson is the world’s deadliest assassin. His reputation doesn’t just precede him, it’s his most important asset. So when Slade is betrayed by his trusted friend and handler and left for dead, the world thinks Deathstroke has finally been terminated. Slade’s most valuable possession has been taken from him. Now, the world’s deadliest assassin has awoken with a completely different face a...
Eisner Award winner Tom King reunites with Mikel Janin as he continues his best-selling Batman run. Batman faces his most personal battle yet as he is locked in a life or death battle with... his father? Ever since Batman's impending wedding went south on him, the Caped Crusader has had the sinking suspicion that there has been someone lurking in the shadows setting events into motion. After th...
The first two volumes of Justice League as a part of DC Universe: Rebirth are collected here in hardcover for the first time ever! Spinning directly out of the events of DC Universe: Rebirth, a new day dawns for the Justice League as they welcome a slew of new members into their ranks. The question remains though: can the world's greatest superheroes trust these new recruits? And will the membe...
As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics—The New 52 event of September 2011, Detective Comics is relaunched for the first time ever with an all-new number one! Bruce Wayne returns as Batman, and sets his sights on new villain the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who's visiting Gotham City...
Author Tom King pens the next epic volume of his critically acclaimed, best-selling Batman series in Batman Vol. 8! In the aftermath of the wedding of Batman and Catwoman, the Dark Knight's life has changed completely. Having walked down the aisle, how will this new Bruce Wayne view himself? What is to become of Batman now? Don't miss out on the newest installment of this best-selling, criti...
Prepare for the unthinkable: the death of the Dark Knight. Bruce Wayne's troubled life spins out of control when his relationship with the mysterious Jezebel Jet deepens. He soon loses touch and falls victim to mental illness, abandoning his Batman identity for a life on the streets. Capitalizing on the fall of their greatest foe, the Club of Villains begins a crime spree through the streets ...
Carter Hall is back as the savage Hawkman! Carter's skill at deciphering lost languages has led him to a job with an archaeologist who specializes in alien ruins. And his latest discovery is Morphicius, whose deadly power spreads an alien plague through New York City. Collecting issues №1-8 of the DC COMICS - THE NEW 52 series!
"Batman: R.I.P." and FINAL CRISIS saw the end of Batman. Now, months following the disappearance of her protector, Gotham City sits at a precipice and it may be too far gone for Nightwing, Robin, Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the city's heroes to save the day. Amid the fires, rioting, looting and gang warfare, one question rings out from the souls of Gotham's desperate citizens: Where is Bat...
Batman must face the madness of the Mad Hatter, and then take on the Talons of the Court of Owls! But even if he survives that, he must face a whole new set of fears when the Scarecrow returns! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terror the Scarecrow brings?
Slade Wilson is the world’s deadliest assassin. His reputation doesn’t just precede him, it’s his most important asset. So when Slade is betrayed by his trusted friend and handler and left for dead, the world thinks Deathstroke has finally been terminated. Slade’s most valuable possession has been taken from him. Now, the world’s deadliest assassin has awoken with a completely different face a...
Eisner Award winner Tom King reunites with Mikel Janin as he continues his best-selling Batman run. Batman faces his most personal battle yet as he is locked in a life or death battle with... his father? Ever since Batman's impending wedding went south on him, the Caped Crusader has had the sinking suspicion that there has been someone lurking in the shadows setting events into motion. After th...
The first two volumes of Justice League as a part of DC Universe: Rebirth are collected here in hardcover for the first time ever! Spinning directly out of the events of DC Universe: Rebirth, a new day dawns for the Justice League as they welcome a slew of new members into their ranks. The question remains though: can the world's greatest superheroes trust these new recruits? And will the membe...
As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics—The New 52 event of September 2011, Detective Comics is relaunched for the first time ever with an all-new number one! Bruce Wayne returns as Batman, and sets his sights on new villain the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who's visiting Gotham City...
Author Tom King pens the next epic volume of his critically acclaimed, best-selling Batman series in Batman Vol. 8! In the aftermath of the wedding of Batman and Catwoman, the Dark Knight's life has changed completely. Having walked down the aisle, how will this new Bruce Wayne view himself? What is to become of Batman now? Don't miss out on the newest installment of this best-selling, criti...
Prepare for the unthinkable: the death of the Dark Knight. Bruce Wayne's troubled life spins out of control when his relationship with the mysterious Jezebel Jet deepens. He soon loses touch and falls victim to mental illness, abandoning his Batman identity for a life on the streets. Capitalizing on the fall of their greatest foe, the Club of Villains begins a crime spree through the streets ...
Carter Hall is back as the savage Hawkman! Carter's skill at deciphering lost languages has led him to a job with an archaeologist who specializes in alien ruins. And his latest discovery is Morphicius, whose deadly power spreads an alien plague through New York City. Collecting issues №1-8 of the DC COMICS - THE NEW 52 series!
"Batman: R.I.P." and FINAL CRISIS saw the end of Batman. Now, months following the disappearance of her protector, Gotham City sits at a precipice and it may be too far gone for Nightwing, Robin, Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the city's heroes to save the day. Amid the fires, rioting, looting and gang warfare, one question rings out from the souls of Gotham's desperate citizens: Where is Bat...
Batman must face the madness of the Mad Hatter, and then take on the Talons of the Court of Owls! But even if he survives that, he must face a whole new set of fears when the Scarecrow returns! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terror the Scarecrow brings?
Slade Wilson is the world’s deadliest assassin. His reputation doesn’t just precede him, it’s his most important asset. So when Slade is betrayed by his trusted friend and handler and left for dead, the world thinks Deathstroke has finally been terminated. Slade’s most valuable possession has been taken from him. Now, the world’s deadliest assassin has awoken with a completely different face a...
Eisner Award winner Tom King reunites with Mikel Janin as he continues his best-selling Batman run. Batman faces his most personal battle yet as he is locked in a life or death battle with... his father? Ever since Batman's impending wedding went south on him, the Caped Crusader has had the sinking suspicion that there has been someone lurking in the shadows setting events into motion. After th...
The first two volumes of Justice League as a part of DC Universe: Rebirth are collected here in hardcover for the first time ever! Spinning directly out of the events of DC Universe: Rebirth, a new day dawns for the Justice League as they welcome a slew of new members into their ranks. The question remains though: can the world's greatest superheroes trust these new recruits? And will the membe...
As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics—The New 52 event of September 2011, Detective Comics is relaunched for the first time ever with an all-new number one! Bruce Wayne returns as Batman, and sets his sights on new villain the Gotham Ripper, who in turn has his sights on Batman. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne explores a budding romance with television journalist Charlotte Rivers, who's visiting Gotham City...
Author Tom King pens the next epic volume of his critically acclaimed, best-selling Batman series in Batman Vol. 8! In the aftermath of the wedding of Batman and Catwoman, the Dark Knight's life has changed completely. Having walked down the aisle, how will this new Bruce Wayne view himself? What is to become of Batman now? Don't miss out on the newest installment of this best-selling, criti...
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