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Автор - Валерио Щити

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Творчество Валерио Щити

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Валерио Щити. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Ghost Rider: The Complete Series by Rob Williams
Ghost Rider: The Complete Series by Rob Williams

The hottest, most rocking thing on two wheels returns! Witness the violent birth of the new Ghost Rider - come to cleanse the earth in a firestorm of blood, oil and vengeance! Johnny Blaze has been chained to Hell long enough. With the world thrown into chaos in the events of FEAR ITSELF, he's given a chance to rid himself of the Spirit of Vengeance forever - and he takes it. The curse is passed o...

Подростки Мутанты Ниндзя Черепашки. #03. Донателло
Подростки Мутанты Ниндзя Черепашки. #03. Донателло

Третий выпуск микро-серии расскажет нам о Донателло. Гений техники решается посетить выставку новейших технологий, и даже не подозревает, какие приключения ждут его там...

Tony Stark: Iron Man, Vol. 2: Stark Realities
Tony Stark: Iron Man, Vol. 2: Stark Realities

All-out war on multiple fronts! Arsenal, the monstrous robot that once took on all the Avengers, is back in an all-new way — just as Tony Stark changes everything with his virtual world known as the eScape! But who controls the eScape? Who controls the real world? And who controls Iron Man? The answerto at least one of these questions is the vile villain called the Controller. And the answer to th...

Guardians of the Galaxy: New Guard Vol. 3: Civil War II
Guardians of the Galaxy: New Guard Vol. 3: Civil War II

When things get rough on Earth, Captain Marvel calls in friends from out of town! Iron Man doesn't stand a chance against the Guardians, right? But the team's allegiances are split down the middle, and tensions have never been higher! And while they're busy on Earth, who's guarding the galaxy? As internal conflicts reach a boiling point, outsiders throw more fuel on the fire -and one member with d...

Tony Stark: Iron Man, Vol. 1: Self-Made Man
Tony Stark: Iron Man, Vol. 1: Self-Made Man

From the cusp of tomorrow's dreams to the forefront of imagination, one man always soars on the cutting edge of adventure! You know his name. Everyone knows his name! Tony Stark is Iron Man. And Iron Man...is an idea. Always changing. Always evolving. Now Dan Slott and Valerio Schiti propel the ultimate self-made hero to new heights of inventiveness! But Tony has been holding back an enormous secr...

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