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Автор - Mary Kelly
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Творчество Mary Kelly

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Mary Kelly. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The Christmas Egg
The Christmas Egg

London. 22nd December. Chief Inspector Brett Nightingale and Sergeant Beddoes have been called to a gloomy flat off Islington High Street. An elderly woman lies dead on the bed, and her trunk has been looted. The woman is Princess Olga Karukhin - an emigrant of Civil War Russia - and her trunk is missing its glittering treasure... Out in the dizzying neon and festive chaos of the capital a colo...

Детская литература
Tiny Goat in Trouble
Tiny Goat in Trouble

Harry is enjoying a seaside walk, when he spots a tiny goat on a cliff ledge. It has been separated from its mother, and the baby goat is stranded. Harry and his aunt call the RSPCA and an exciting rescue ensues. Luckily, thanks to the RSPCA's team work and Harry's eagle eye, the baby goat is safely reunited with its mother.

The Spoilt Kill
The Spoilt Kill

Freelance detective, Nicholson, is hired to uncover which employee is leaking new designs to a competitor.

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