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Автор - Marissa Burt
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Творчество Marissa Burt

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Marissa Burt. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".


In the land of Story, kids go to school to learn to be the perfect character: a brave Hero, a trusty Sidekick, even the most dastardly Villain. They dream of the day when they will live out Tales written just for them. But when an ordinary girl named Una Fairchild finds herself Written In to Story, she discovers that the magical land is threatened by a dark secret. As she digs deep into Story's...

A Sliver of Stardust
A Sliver of Stardust

I am a gold lock. I am a gold key. However high and low you hunt, You'll never find me. Wren Matthews outgrew nursery rhymes a long time ago. Little did she know that songs of twinkling little stars and four-and-twenty blackbirds are the key to the ancient magic of stardust - a magic that only a few people can see and use. And Wren is one of them. Wren has always preferred to stick t...