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Автор - Fred Schwed Jr.

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Творчество Fred Jr.

На нашем сайте представлена 1 книга автора Fred Jr.. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street
Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street

Humorous and entertaining, this book exposes the folly and hypocrisy of Wall Street. The title refers to a story about a visitor to New York who admired the yachts of the bankers and brokers. Naively, he asked where all the customers' yachts were? Of course, none of the customers could afford yachts, even though they dutifully followed the advice of their bankers and brokers. Full of wise contrari...