На нашем сайте представлены 9 книг автора Эрина Боумана. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
There are no men in Claysoot. There are boys—but every one of them vanishes at midnight on his eighteenth birthday. The ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends . . . and he's gone. They call it the Heist. Gray Weathersby's eighteenth birthday is mere months away, and he's prepared to meet his fate—until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everyt...
The Heists were only the beginning. Gray Weathersby escaped from the primitive town of Claysoot expecting to find answers, but what he discovered shook him to the core: A ruthless dictator with absolute power. An army of young soldiers blinded by lies. And a growing rebellion determined to fight back. Now Gray has joined a team of rebels on a harsh, icy journey in search of allies who can he...
The time has come to make a stand. Gray Weathersby and his group of rebels are determined to bring down the Franconian Order. But they may be too late. The Order is closer than ever to its ultimate goal—building an unstoppable army—and every generation of Forgeries is more sophisticated, harder to detect, and deadlier than the one before. Now the rebels have joined forces with new allies, th...
До того как Грей Визерсби раскрыл правду о Клейсут и проекте Лейкос, девочка по имени Бри достигла совершеннолетия на побережье Салтвотер и совершила свое собственное путешествие за пределами острова. В «Похищенной» раскрывается история жизни Бри до того, как она была похищена из дома, до того, как она присоединилась к восстанию, и до того как встретила мальчика по имени Грей…
Пришло время противостояния.Грей Везерсби со своей группой повстанцев вознамерился обрушить Франконианский Орден. Но возможно уже слишком поздно. Орден как никогда близок к своей конечной цели — построению непобедимой армии — и каждое новое поколение Копий становится более изощренным, сложнее выявляющимся и беспощадным, чем раньше.Теперь Повстанцы объединили свои силы с новыми союзниками - Экспата...
Survivors of a deadly planetary outbreak take on a new, sinister adversary in the sequel to Contagion. They thought their nightmare was over, but Thea, Coen, and Nova’s rescue was only the beginning. After being imprisoned on a ship they thought was their ticket to safety, it’s clear that the threat they left behind isn’t as distant as they’d hoped—and this time the entire galaxy is at risk. ...
After receiving a distress call from a drill team on a distant planet, a skeleton crew is sent into deep space to perform a standard search-and-rescue mission. When they arrive, they find the planet littered with the remains of the project—including its members’ dead bodies. As they try to piece together what could have possibly decimated an entire project, they discover that some things are be...
In this thrilling 100-page digital prequel novella, enter the world of Taken, a heart-pounding dystopian sci-fi series from Erin Bowman. Before Gray Weathersby uncovered the truth about Claysoot and the Laicos Project, a girl named Bree came of age in the coastal settlement of Saltwater—and made her own surprising journey to the world beyond its borders. In Stolen, discover the story of Bree's li...
There are no men in Claysoot. There are boys—but every one of them vanishes at midnight on his eighteenth birthday. The ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends . . . and he's gone. They call it the Heist. Gray Weathersby's eighteenth birthday is mere months away, and he's prepared to meet his fate—until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everyt...
The Heists were only the beginning. Gray Weathersby escaped from the primitive town of Claysoot expecting to find answers, but what he discovered shook him to the core: A ruthless dictator with absolute power. An army of young soldiers blinded by lies. And a growing rebellion determined to fight back. Now Gray has joined a team of rebels on a harsh, icy journey in search of allies who can he...
The time has come to make a stand. Gray Weathersby and his group of rebels are determined to bring down the Franconian Order. But they may be too late. The Order is closer than ever to its ultimate goal—building an unstoppable army—and every generation of Forgeries is more sophisticated, harder to detect, and deadlier than the one before. Now the rebels have joined forces with new allies, th...
До того как Грей Визерсби раскрыл правду о Клейсут и проекте Лейкос, девочка по имени Бри достигла совершеннолетия на побережье Салтвотер и совершила свое собственное путешествие за пределами острова. В «Похищенной» раскрывается история жизни Бри до того, как она была похищена из дома, до того, как она присоединилась к восстанию, и до того как встретила мальчика по имени Грей…
Пришло время противостояния.Грей Везерсби со своей группой повстанцев вознамерился обрушить Франконианский Орден. Но возможно уже слишком поздно. Орден как никогда близок к своей конечной цели — построению непобедимой армии — и каждое новое поколение Копий становится более изощренным, сложнее выявляющимся и беспощадным, чем раньше.Теперь Повстанцы объединили свои силы с новыми союзниками - Экспата...
Survivors of a deadly planetary outbreak take on a new, sinister adversary in the sequel to Contagion. They thought their nightmare was over, but Thea, Coen, and Nova’s rescue was only the beginning. After being imprisoned on a ship they thought was their ticket to safety, it’s clear that the threat they left behind isn’t as distant as they’d hoped—and this time the entire galaxy is at risk. ...
After receiving a distress call from a drill team on a distant planet, a skeleton crew is sent into deep space to perform a standard search-and-rescue mission. When they arrive, they find the planet littered with the remains of the project—including its members’ dead bodies. As they try to piece together what could have possibly decimated an entire project, they discover that some things are be...
In this thrilling 100-page digital prequel novella, enter the world of Taken, a heart-pounding dystopian sci-fi series from Erin Bowman. Before Gray Weathersby uncovered the truth about Claysoot and the Laicos Project, a girl named Bree came of age in the coastal settlement of Saltwater—and made her own surprising journey to the world beyond its borders. In Stolen, discover the story of Bree's li...
There are no men in Claysoot. There are boys—but every one of them vanishes at midnight on his eighteenth birthday. The ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends . . . and he's gone. They call it the Heist. Gray Weathersby's eighteenth birthday is mere months away, and he's prepared to meet his fate—until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everyt...
The Heists were only the beginning. Gray Weathersby escaped from the primitive town of Claysoot expecting to find answers, but what he discovered shook him to the core: A ruthless dictator with absolute power. An army of young soldiers blinded by lies. And a growing rebellion determined to fight back. Now Gray has joined a team of rebels on a harsh, icy journey in search of allies who can he...
The time has come to make a stand. Gray Weathersby and his group of rebels are determined to bring down the Franconian Order. But they may be too late. The Order is closer than ever to its ultimate goal—building an unstoppable army—and every generation of Forgeries is more sophisticated, harder to detect, and deadlier than the one before. Now the rebels have joined forces with new allies, th...
До того как Грей Визерсби раскрыл правду о Клейсут и проекте Лейкос, девочка по имени Бри достигла совершеннолетия на побережье Салтвотер и совершила свое собственное путешествие за пределами острова. В «Похищенной» раскрывается история жизни Бри до того, как она была похищена из дома, до того, как она присоединилась к восстанию, и до того как встретила мальчика по имени Грей…
Пришло время противостояния.Грей Везерсби со своей группой повстанцев вознамерился обрушить Франконианский Орден. Но возможно уже слишком поздно. Орден как никогда близок к своей конечной цели — построению непобедимой армии — и каждое новое поколение Копий становится более изощренным, сложнее выявляющимся и беспощадным, чем раньше.Теперь Повстанцы объединили свои силы с новыми союзниками - Экспата...
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