Роберт Сойер - автор 45 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Вспомни, что будет, Старплекс, Квантовая ночь. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH-the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States-and they're fully aware of Caitlin's involvement in its awakening. WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national...
Also called WWW: Wake Caitlin Decter is young, pretty, feisty, a genius at math, and blind. When she receives an implant to restore her sight, instead of seeing reality she perceives the landscape of the World Wide Web-where she makes contact with a mysterious consciousness existing only in cyberspace.
Webmind - the vast consciousness that spontaneously emerged from the infrastructure of the World Wide Web - has proven its worth to humanity by aiding in everything from curing cancer to easing international tensions. But the brass at the Pentagon see Webmind as a threat that needs to be eliminated. Caitlin Decter - the once-blind sixteen-year-old math genius who discovered, and bonded with, We...
In Far-Seer and Fossil Hunter, we met the Quintaglios, a race of intelligent dinosaurs from Earth and learned of the threat to their very existence. Now they must quickly advance from a culture equivalent to our Renaissance to the point where they can leave their planet. While the Quintaglios rush to develop space travel, the discovery of a second species of intelligent dinosaur rocks their most...
Fossil Hunter is hard SF in the tradition of Larry Niven about a world inhabited by the Quintaglios, a dinosaurian species that has evolved a human level of intelligence and culture. Toroca, a Quintaglio geologist, is under attack for his controversial new theory of evolution. But the origins of his people turn out to be more complex than even he imagined, for he soon discovers the wreckage of ...
Geneticist Pierre Tardivel may not have long to live—he’s got a fifty-fifty chance of having the gene for Huntington’s disease. But if his DNA is tragic, his girlfriend’s is astonishing: Molly Bond has a mutation that gives her telepathy. Both of them have attracted the interest of Pierre’s boss, Dr. Burian Klimus, a senior researcher in the Human Genome Project who just might be hiding a horrific...
Learn the craft of writing real world advertising. Commentary, example and advice from leading players in the advertising world offer the aspiring professional important insight and meaningful guidance. Detailed explanations outline the aims of various work and how it was achieved. As a copywriter, your job is not to amuse or entertain, but rather to sell products. By examining the campaigns here,...
This new collection by the man Anne McCaffrey calls "an absolutely marvelous writer" includes Hugo Award nominee "Shed Skin," Nebula Award nominee "Identity Theft," and Aurora Award winner "Ineluctable." In these pages, you'll discover the dark secret of the only priest on Mars, revisit H.G. Wells's Morlocks, and learn what really happens when aliens beam us the Encyclopedia Galactica.
The Face of God is what every young saurian learns to call the immense, glowing object which fills the night sky on the far side of the world. Young Afsan is privileged, called to the distant Capital City to apprentice with Saleed the court astrologer. But when the time comes for Afsan to make his coming-of-age pilgrimage, to gaze upon the Face of God, his world is changed forever- for what he see...
Шерлок Холмс, первый в истории — и самый знаменитый — частный детектив, предстал перед читателями более ста двадцати лет назад. Но далеко не все приключения великого сыщика успел описать его гениальный «отец» сэр Артур Конан Дойл. В этой антологии собраны лучшие произведения холмсианы, созданные за последние тридцать лет. И каждое из них — это встреча с невероятным, то есть с тем, во что Холмс все...
Впервые под одной обложкой блистательная коллекция лучших научно-фантастических повестей и рассказов последних лет! Самые характерные и яркие произведения таких мастеров, как Пол Андерсон, Джо Холдеман, Хол Клемент, Стивен Бакстер и многих других, представлены на страницах новой антологии серии «Лучшее»! Путешествия во времени и пространстве, освоение далеких миров, торжество научно-техническо...
Adult pioneers leaving the interior of a Dyson sphere to establish a colony on its outer surface see nothing but blackness above. But their children, born outside the sphere, claim they can see something else in the heavens...
For once, at least, I grasped the mental operations of the Morlocks. Suppressing a strong inclination to laugh I stepped through the bronze frame and up to the Time Machine. I was surprised to find it had been carefully oiled and cleaned. I have suspected since that the Morlocks had even partially taken it to pieces while trying in their dim way to grasp its purpose.
У доктору Бутчеру приходит необычный пациент — бочкообразное существо расы куглу, но с вполне земными проблемами
“It’s getting too much for me,” said the leader of the Party in Power, his voice thundering through the sky. “I propose a simple contest, winner take all.” “Oh?” replied the leader of the Opposition, the syllable materializing as a puff of flame. “This intrigues me. The terms?” “We select a mutually agreeable subject, an average man, and measure his tendencies toward our respective sides. The ...
В ходе Второй Мировой войны на территории оккупированного Китая обнаруживают захоронения черепов древних человекоподобных обезьян, которые, возможно, и являются прародителями всего человечества. Только вот на всех гипсовых копиях, которые прислал археолог-исследователь в Штаты, подпилены клыки...
Альтернативная история. Попаданец в прапорщика Первой мировой пытается изменить ход войны и судьбы России.