На нашем сайте представлены 44 книги автора Карины Халле. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
THE OFFER is a STANDALONE, CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE NOVEL from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact. She thinks he's an arrogant playboy. He thinks she's an uptight prude. But he's about to make her an offer she can't refuse. Nicola Price used to have it all – a great career, the perfect boyfriend, an excessive shoe collection and an apartment i...
On the New York Times Bestsellers List for Four Weeks in a Row! *The Pact is a FULL-LENGTH *STANDALONE (not part of a series, no cliffhanger, fully wrapped-up novel) *"FRIENDS-TO-LOVERS" CONTEMPORARY ADULT ROMANCE It all started with a pinky swear… Linden McGregor is tall, rugged, and gunslinger handsome; a helicopter pilot with a Scottish brogue and charm to spare. He’s also one of Ste...
What happens when the kink between the pages leads to heat between the sheets? All Blake Crawford wants is to pass his creative writing course, get his university degree and take over his dad’s ailing family business. What Amanda Newland wants is to graduate at the top of her class, as well as finally finish her novel and prove to her family that writing is a respectful career. What Blake an...
The Lie - a standalone, second-chance romance - is now a New York Times Bestselling novel! Their love led to a lie Their truth led to the end Brigs McGregor is crawling out from the ashes. After losing his wife and son in a car accident and his job from his subsequent downward spiral, he's finally moving forward, getting a prestigious teaching position at the University of London and a new li...
A troubled Scottish rugby player who doesn't play by the rules. A vivacious man-eater who's given up on love. When it comes to Lachlan and Kayla, opposites don't just attract - they explode. Kayla Moore has always been comfortable with her feisty, maneating reputation. At least it was fine until she hit her thirties and saw her best friends Stephanie and Nicola settle down with Linden and Bra...
Беспокойный шотландский игрок в регби, не играющий по правилам.Роковая женщина, отказавшаяся от любви.Когда дело доходит до Лаклана и Кайлы, противоположности не просто притягиваются, они взрываются.Кайле Мур всегда нравился имидж дерзкой искусительницы. По крайней мере, так было до того, пока ей не стукнуло тридцать, и она не увидела как ее лучшие подруги Стефани и Никола остепенились с Линденом ...
Все началось с клятвы на мизинцах… Линден МакГрегор – настоящий ковбой, красивый, сильный, высокий; очаровательный пилот вертолета с шотландским акцентом. Стефани Робосон - красивая, забавная и амбициозная бизнес-леди (с чертовски клевой попкой). Они дружат с незапамятных времен, Линден – один из лучших друзей Стеф, а Стеф – лучшая подруга Линдена. Но некоторые отношения невозможно поместить в опр...
There’s always been something a bit off about Perry Palomino. Though she’s been dealing with a quarter-life crisis and post-college syndrome like any other twentysomething, she’s still not what you would call “ordinary.” For one thing, there’s her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there’s the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbl...
A new adult novel that perfectly captures the existential angst of your early twenties with raw wit, fresh insight, and true feeling from a critically adored USA TODAY bestselling author. Joshua Miles has spent his early twenties spinning his wheels. Working dead-end jobs and living at home has left him exhausted and uninspired, with little energy to pursue his passion for graphic art. Until he m...
"Angst, drama, and HOT HOT love scenes, expect to experience a riot of emotions that culminate in the perfect kind of ending." - NYT Bestselling author A.L. Jackson The sequel to the highly emotional, scandalous and USA Today bestselling love story - LOVE, IN ENGLISH - is finally here! Love, in Spanish is a follow-up of about 60K words, told from Mateo Casalles' POV. While some moments from L...
THE OFFER is a STANDALONE, CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE NOVEL from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact. She thinks he's an arrogant playboy. He thinks she's an uptight prude. But he's about to make her an offer she can't refuse. Nicola Price used to have it all – a great career, the perfect boyfriend, an excessive shoe collection and an apartment i...
On the New York Times Bestsellers List for Four Weeks in a Row! *The Pact is a FULL-LENGTH *STANDALONE (not part of a series, no cliffhanger, fully wrapped-up novel) *"FRIENDS-TO-LOVERS" CONTEMPORARY ADULT ROMANCE It all started with a pinky swear… Linden McGregor is tall, rugged, and gunslinger handsome; a helicopter pilot with a Scottish brogue and charm to spare. He’s also one of Ste...
What happens when the kink between the pages leads to heat between the sheets? All Blake Crawford wants is to pass his creative writing course, get his university degree and take over his dad’s ailing family business. What Amanda Newland wants is to graduate at the top of her class, as well as finally finish her novel and prove to her family that writing is a respectful career. What Blake an...
The Lie - a standalone, second-chance romance - is now a New York Times Bestselling novel! Their love led to a lie Their truth led to the end Brigs McGregor is crawling out from the ashes. After losing his wife and son in a car accident and his job from his subsequent downward spiral, he's finally moving forward, getting a prestigious teaching position at the University of London and a new li...
A troubled Scottish rugby player who doesn't play by the rules. A vivacious man-eater who's given up on love. When it comes to Lachlan and Kayla, opposites don't just attract - they explode. Kayla Moore has always been comfortable with her feisty, maneating reputation. At least it was fine until she hit her thirties and saw her best friends Stephanie and Nicola settle down with Linden and Bra...
Беспокойный шотландский игрок в регби, не играющий по правилам.Роковая женщина, отказавшаяся от любви.Когда дело доходит до Лаклана и Кайлы, противоположности не просто притягиваются, они взрываются.Кайле Мур всегда нравился имидж дерзкой искусительницы. По крайней мере, так было до того, пока ей не стукнуло тридцать, и она не увидела как ее лучшие подруги Стефани и Никола остепенились с Линденом ...
Все началось с клятвы на мизинцах… Линден МакГрегор – настоящий ковбой, красивый, сильный, высокий; очаровательный пилот вертолета с шотландским акцентом. Стефани Робосон - красивая, забавная и амбициозная бизнес-леди (с чертовски клевой попкой). Они дружат с незапамятных времен, Линден – один из лучших друзей Стеф, а Стеф – лучшая подруга Линдена. Но некоторые отношения невозможно поместить в опр...
There’s always been something a bit off about Perry Palomino. Though she’s been dealing with a quarter-life crisis and post-college syndrome like any other twentysomething, she’s still not what you would call “ordinary.” For one thing, there’s her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there’s the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbl...
A new adult novel that perfectly captures the existential angst of your early twenties with raw wit, fresh insight, and true feeling from a critically adored USA TODAY bestselling author. Joshua Miles has spent his early twenties spinning his wheels. Working dead-end jobs and living at home has left him exhausted and uninspired, with little energy to pursue his passion for graphic art. Until he m...
"Angst, drama, and HOT HOT love scenes, expect to experience a riot of emotions that culminate in the perfect kind of ending." - NYT Bestselling author A.L. Jackson The sequel to the highly emotional, scandalous and USA Today bestselling love story - LOVE, IN ENGLISH - is finally here! Love, in Spanish is a follow-up of about 60K words, told from Mateo Casalles' POV. While some moments from L...
THE OFFER is a STANDALONE, CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE NOVEL from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact. She thinks he's an arrogant playboy. He thinks she's an uptight prude. But he's about to make her an offer she can't refuse. Nicola Price used to have it all – a great career, the perfect boyfriend, an excessive shoe collection and an apartment i...
On the New York Times Bestsellers List for Four Weeks in a Row! *The Pact is a FULL-LENGTH *STANDALONE (not part of a series, no cliffhanger, fully wrapped-up novel) *"FRIENDS-TO-LOVERS" CONTEMPORARY ADULT ROMANCE It all started with a pinky swear… Linden McGregor is tall, rugged, and gunslinger handsome; a helicopter pilot with a Scottish brogue and charm to spare. He’s also one of Ste...
What happens when the kink between the pages leads to heat between the sheets? All Blake Crawford wants is to pass his creative writing course, get his university degree and take over his dad’s ailing family business. What Amanda Newland wants is to graduate at the top of her class, as well as finally finish her novel and prove to her family that writing is a respectful career. What Blake an...
The Lie - a standalone, second-chance romance - is now a New York Times Bestselling novel! Their love led to a lie Their truth led to the end Brigs McGregor is crawling out from the ashes. After losing his wife and son in a car accident and his job from his subsequent downward spiral, he's finally moving forward, getting a prestigious teaching position at the University of London and a new li...
A troubled Scottish rugby player who doesn't play by the rules. A vivacious man-eater who's given up on love. When it comes to Lachlan and Kayla, opposites don't just attract - they explode. Kayla Moore has always been comfortable with her feisty, maneating reputation. At least it was fine until she hit her thirties and saw her best friends Stephanie and Nicola settle down with Linden and Bra...
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