На нашем сайте представлены 18 книг автора Яна Эджинтона. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Wren's father has revealed to her the secret of their world, that it is only one of many in a clockwork solar system; but it is dying and to save her home, she must first escape it. The Orrery is a fully functional, life-size clockwork solar system, a clutch of planets orbiting a vast Brass Sun via immense metal spars. But the once-unified collection of worlds has regressed into eccent...
Washington D.C., post-Miracle. The city has been hit by a spate of very unusual serial killings. The victims are different ages and genders and the locations vary, but each body has one thing in common -- it has been reduced to a dried-up, dessicated husk. Special Agent Lucas Avery has dealt with some tricky puzzles in his time, but this is stranger than anything he has ever encountered. His one l...
Отправляясь на поиски пропавшей подруги, Дана Робинсон даже не подозревала, что посреди ночи окажется одна в заглохшей машине на пустынной дороге. Девушка пытается найти помощь, но вместо этого становится заложницей кошмара, вырваться из которого можно только ценой собственной жизни.
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, Mankind teeters upon the brink of extinction. The galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by ravening aliens and threatened from within by malevolent creatures and heretic rebels. Only the strength of the Immortal Emperor of Terra stands between Humanity and its annihilation. Foremost amongst servants of the Imperium stand the Space Mar...
The human race didn't get a happily ever after. After 300,000 years at the top of the food chain, it took only seven months for humanity to become an endangered species. The Blight killed nearly everyone, and changed everything. As skyscrapers sprouted forests and wild animals took over the deserted streets, the planet's new rulers emerged from their age-old hiding places: elves a...
Following the bullet-ridden finale to the bestselling video game, Kane and Lynch decide what’s best for everyone concerned is that they go their separate ways. That is, until a contract is put out on their collective lives for a huge bounty – and every assassin and two-bit goon around the world is gunning for the volatile pair. Can the unrepentant traitor and medicated psychopath work together onc...
Книга комиксов. Действие книги начинается с того момента, когда заканчивается история "Терминатор. Цель 2: Сара Коннор". Компьютерная половина андроида Дадли стремится заставить его покончить с полковником Мэри Рендалл и ее другом Остином. Этой отважной троице необходимо как можно скорее разобраться в вопросах доверия друг к другу, объединить усилия и действовать, так как по их следу движется? но...
Few video games have enjoyed such a frenetic buzz around their release as the upcoming Hellgate: London, and with good reason - they haven't had the awesome talent of former Diablo developers and executives working on an inaugural release! Now
Wren's father has revealed to her the secret of their world, that it is only one of many in a clockwork solar system; but it is dying and to save her home, she must first escape it. The Orrery is a fully functional, life-size clockwork solar system, a clutch of planets orbiting a vast Brass Sun via immense metal spars. But the once-unified collection of worlds has regressed into eccent...
Washington D.C., post-Miracle. The city has been hit by a spate of very unusual serial killings. The victims are different ages and genders and the locations vary, but each body has one thing in common -- it has been reduced to a dried-up, dessicated husk. Special Agent Lucas Avery has dealt with some tricky puzzles in his time, but this is stranger than anything he has ever encountered. His one l...
Отправляясь на поиски пропавшей подруги, Дана Робинсон даже не подозревала, что посреди ночи окажется одна в заглохшей машине на пустынной дороге. Девушка пытается найти помощь, но вместо этого становится заложницей кошмара, вырваться из которого можно только ценой собственной жизни.
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, Mankind teeters upon the brink of extinction. The galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by ravening aliens and threatened from within by malevolent creatures and heretic rebels. Only the strength of the Immortal Emperor of Terra stands between Humanity and its annihilation. Foremost amongst servants of the Imperium stand the Space Mar...
The human race didn't get a happily ever after. After 300,000 years at the top of the food chain, it took only seven months for humanity to become an endangered species. The Blight killed nearly everyone, and changed everything. As skyscrapers sprouted forests and wild animals took over the deserted streets, the planet's new rulers emerged from their age-old hiding places: elves a...
Following the bullet-ridden finale to the bestselling video game, Kane and Lynch decide what’s best for everyone concerned is that they go their separate ways. That is, until a contract is put out on their collective lives for a huge bounty – and every assassin and two-bit goon around the world is gunning for the volatile pair. Can the unrepentant traitor and medicated psychopath work together onc...
Книга комиксов. Действие книги начинается с того момента, когда заканчивается история "Терминатор. Цель 2: Сара Коннор". Компьютерная половина андроида Дадли стремится заставить его покончить с полковником Мэри Рендалл и ее другом Остином. Этой отважной троице необходимо как можно скорее разобраться в вопросах доверия друг к другу, объединить усилия и действовать, так как по их следу движется? но...
Few video games have enjoyed such a frenetic buzz around their release as the upcoming Hellgate: London, and with good reason - they haven't had the awesome talent of former Diablo developers and executives working on an inaugural release! Now
Wren's father has revealed to her the secret of their world, that it is only one of many in a clockwork solar system; but it is dying and to save her home, she must first escape it. The Orrery is a fully functional, life-size clockwork solar system, a clutch of planets orbiting a vast Brass Sun via immense metal spars. But the once-unified collection of worlds has regressed into eccent...
Washington D.C., post-Miracle. The city has been hit by a spate of very unusual serial killings. The victims are different ages and genders and the locations vary, but each body has one thing in common -- it has been reduced to a dried-up, dessicated husk. Special Agent Lucas Avery has dealt with some tricky puzzles in his time, but this is stranger than anything he has ever encountered. His one l...
Отправляясь на поиски пропавшей подруги, Дана Робинсон даже не подозревала, что посреди ночи окажется одна в заглохшей машине на пустынной дороге. Девушка пытается найти помощь, но вместо этого становится заложницей кошмара, вырваться из которого можно только ценой собственной жизни.
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
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