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Автор - Eva Gabrielsson

Краткая биография автора

Eva Gabrielsson (born 17 November 1953) is a Swedish architect, author, political activist, feminist, and the long-time partner of the late Swedish mystery novelist Stieg Larsson.Gabrielsson and Stieg Larsson lived together from 1974 until his death in 2004. Larsson was one of the foremost experts in Sweden on anti-democratic, extreme right-wing, and neo-Nazi movements. Gabrielsson says she and Larsson never married because he had believed his anti-fascist work could have put her at risk if ther...

Eva Gabrielsson (born 17 November 1953) is a Swedish architect, author, political activist, feminist, and the long-time partner of the late Swedish mystery novelist Stieg Larsson.Gabrielsson and Stieg Larsson lived together from 1974 until his death in 2004. Larsson was one of the foremost experts in Sweden on anti-democratic, extreme right-wing, and neo-Nazi movements. Gabrielsson says she and Larsson never married because he had believed his anti-fascist work could have put her at risk if there was a paper trail linking them legally or financially. Because they were never married and Larsson died without leaving a will, his estate went to his father and brother, in accordance with Swedish law. Larsson was somewhat estranged from his father Erland and his brother Joakim because nine years of his childhood were spent happily living with his grandparents in the northern country of Sweden. “It is as if my identity has been erased. It’s like being dispossessed,” Gabrielsson said to a reporter in 2010.Since shortly after his death, Gabrielsson and Joakim and Erland Larsson have been negotiating over control of Larsson's work. At one point, Larsson's father and brother offered Gabrielsson roughly $3.3 million, but she does not want money and will continue to fight for the literary rights of Larsson's work. One source interviewed a friend who said that Gabrielsson "will not be bought".Gabrielsson's memoir,"There Are Things I Want You to Know" About Stieg Larsson and Me, chronicles their life together and puts Larsson's often chaotic life into context. Gabrielsson, in one interview, explains that she did not start the memoir with the intention of writing a book; rather, it all stemmed from diary entries that Gabrielsson was writing in order to deal with the grief of losing her partner. The title of her book comes from a love letter that Larsson wrote to Gabrielsson when he thought he might die during a trip to Africa in 1977. The letter is included in the memoir along with the details of Larsson's trip to Africa.Her partner, she says, was a feminist, a hopeless businessman, a journalist who could not hold down a staff job, and a passionate fighter and investigator for social causes and against the Far Right. The memoir also details how the couple met and their struggles together at Expo, the anti-fascist publication Larsson founded in 1995. According to Gabrielsson, Larsson had written 200 pages of a fourth novel in his internationally successful Millennium series before he died; she has been seeking the legal authority to be in charge of what will happen to these 200 pages as well as with all of Larsson's literary work and success, though so far Larsson's family has refused to give her these rights. If granted the literary rights of Stieg Larsson's Millennium series, however, Gabrielsson explains that she is not sure that it is fair for a ghostwriter to complete the work that Larsson had started.As a writer, in addition to working with Stieg Larsson on his literary projects, she is the coauthor of several books, including a monograph on the subject of cohabitation in Sweden, a Swedish government study on how to create more sustainable housing, and a forthcoming study on the Swedish urban planner Per Olof Hallman. She has also translated into Swedish Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle. As an activist, she works to end violence against women.Her architectural practice is currently involved in housing and office construction and heading a European Union initiative to create sustainable architecture in the Dalecarlia region.
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Творчество Eva Gabrielsson

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Eva Gabrielsson. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

"There Are Things I Want You to Know" about Stieg Larsson and Me

Here is the real inside story—not the one about the Stieg Larsson phenomenon, but rather the love story of a man and a woman whose lives came to be guided by politics and love, coffee and activism, writing and friendship. Only one person in the world knows that story well enough to tell it with authority. Her name is Eva Gabrielsson. Eva Gabrielsson and Stieg Larsson shared everything, startin...

Мемуары и биографии
Миллениум, Стиг и я
Миллениум, Стиг и я

Чтобы по-настоящему понять детективы Стига Ларссона, нужно узнать, какую он прожил жизнь. И едва ли кто-нибудь способен рассказать об этом лучше, чем Ева Габриэльссон, его спутница на протяжении тридцати с лишним лет.Именно Ева находилась рядом со Стигом в то время, когда он, начинающий журналист, готовил свои первые публикации; именно она потом его поддерживала в борьбе против правого экстремизма...

Любовный роман
Не принятые миром
Не принятые миром

Жизнь богатой девушки Эрики меняется в один из дней, когда в соседнем доме поселяется молодой человек – Хайц. Он придерживается совершенно других принципов и правил, но Эрике они все больше кажутся разумными.В центре повествования герои совершенно с разными характерами.Хайц – прошедший через многое и считающий, что правила ни к чему. И Эрика, живущая по правилам, но в душе не согласная с ними.Книг...

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