На нашем сайте представлены 14 книг автора Taamo. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
I know more than anyone how much reaching out a hand can save you. If she’s alone like that, I have to return the favors given to me somehow... even just a little bit. "Won’t you come live with me?" asks Mao’s birth mother, Yuzuno, appearing suddenly. Mao knows that she’s selfish, but she can’t ignore the fact that her mother is also all alone. When she was all alone, Hiro and others reached out t...
"I finally said it." Mao and Hiro finally got another chance to go on a date together, but Mao is so self-conscious, she just can’t say it. Hiro gently meets her halfway. The two of them look back on what they’ve gone through together... but finally the time to share the feelings they’ve held back so long has come! The love story of two childhood friends with an age gap has finally come to its tea...
As a child, Mao spent all her time at Hiro’s house across the street. Going to his house always made her feel cheerful. A few years later… Mao’s father gets remarried and Mao finds herself with nowhere to call home. Hiro ends up letting her stay with him in the house he is protecting all by himself since the death of his parents. However…! A love story unfolds between the two childhood friends of ...
After her father gets remarried, Mao feels like she no longer has a home and ends up moving in with Hiro, her childhood friend. Mao falls in love with Hiro, who is kind and takes care of her. Aiming to become self-reliant she gets a part-time job with Daiki, who is home for the summer break. Hiro’s been acting strange, and so, at the fireworks festival Mao inadvertently ends up asking him if he li...
"I haven’t forgotten. The dream lifestyle in his home with his family doesn’t include me... I have my own future to look forward to. But still... I don’t know how to put it into words." "I’m sorry that I made you feel that way." Daiki’s come home and Hiro’s dream is one step closer. Mao is invited to her little sister’s birthday party. How does her second trip back home go? Have each of these peop...
Что делать ребенку, когда его мать уходит к другому мужчине? Что делать ребенку, когда его отец повторно женится и для ребенка больше нет места в новой семье? Мао приходится пережить все это. Но неожиданно её друг детства делает невероятное предложение. Станет ли это началом новой счастливой жизни?
"Is there even such a thing as a love that doesn’t hurt someone?" someone might wonder, given that no one seems to be able to move ahead without bumping into someone else with feelings. This goes for Mao, Hiro, Radical-san, Oda-kun, and even Chi-chan. And now, Daiki is finally returning home, but he has secret feelings for Mao. Hiro’s dream is one step closer to reality, but at what cost?! The bri...
"There are so many things to think about. Why did I run here in the first place... It’ll be just a little longer. Then we can meet face to face. Just like he did for me..." Daiki finally makes a serious confession to Mao. "I’ve liked you ever since we were children." Mao is confused and, in a reversal, runs back to her family’s home. However, her stepmother’s kindness only reminds her of the gener...
I understand, really. Being together is very important. Words are secondary to that. This isn’t the end, this is a new beginning. Our wishes will surely be granted. The Motomiya family and the Nakamura family take a joint vacation. Mao works hard to get closer to her dad and Hiro works to get closer to his sister. But the truth is that Hina has hidden thoughts about the deaths of her parents...? A...
I know more than anyone how much reaching out a hand can save you. If she’s alone like that, I have to return the favors given to me somehow... even just a little bit. "Won’t you come live with me?" asks Mao’s birth mother, Yuzuno, appearing suddenly. Mao knows that she’s selfish, but she can’t ignore the fact that her mother is also all alone. When she was all alone, Hiro and others reached out t...
"I finally said it." Mao and Hiro finally got another chance to go on a date together, but Mao is so self-conscious, she just can’t say it. Hiro gently meets her halfway. The two of them look back on what they’ve gone through together... but finally the time to share the feelings they’ve held back so long has come! The love story of two childhood friends with an age gap has finally come to its tea...
As a child, Mao spent all her time at Hiro’s house across the street. Going to his house always made her feel cheerful. A few years later… Mao’s father gets remarried and Mao finds herself with nowhere to call home. Hiro ends up letting her stay with him in the house he is protecting all by himself since the death of his parents. However…! A love story unfolds between the two childhood friends of ...
After her father gets remarried, Mao feels like she no longer has a home and ends up moving in with Hiro, her childhood friend. Mao falls in love with Hiro, who is kind and takes care of her. Aiming to become self-reliant she gets a part-time job with Daiki, who is home for the summer break. Hiro’s been acting strange, and so, at the fireworks festival Mao inadvertently ends up asking him if he li...
"I haven’t forgotten. The dream lifestyle in his home with his family doesn’t include me... I have my own future to look forward to. But still... I don’t know how to put it into words." "I’m sorry that I made you feel that way." Daiki’s come home and Hiro’s dream is one step closer. Mao is invited to her little sister’s birthday party. How does her second trip back home go? Have each of these peop...
Что делать ребенку, когда его мать уходит к другому мужчине? Что делать ребенку, когда его отец повторно женится и для ребенка больше нет места в новой семье? Мао приходится пережить все это. Но неожиданно её друг детства делает невероятное предложение. Станет ли это началом новой счастливой жизни?
"Is there even such a thing as a love that doesn’t hurt someone?" someone might wonder, given that no one seems to be able to move ahead without bumping into someone else with feelings. This goes for Mao, Hiro, Radical-san, Oda-kun, and even Chi-chan. And now, Daiki is finally returning home, but he has secret feelings for Mao. Hiro’s dream is one step closer to reality, but at what cost?! The bri...
"There are so many things to think about. Why did I run here in the first place... It’ll be just a little longer. Then we can meet face to face. Just like he did for me..." Daiki finally makes a serious confession to Mao. "I’ve liked you ever since we were children." Mao is confused and, in a reversal, runs back to her family’s home. However, her stepmother’s kindness only reminds her of the gener...
I understand, really. Being together is very important. Words are secondary to that. This isn’t the end, this is a new beginning. Our wishes will surely be granted. The Motomiya family and the Nakamura family take a joint vacation. Mao works hard to get closer to her dad and Hiro works to get closer to his sister. But the truth is that Hina has hidden thoughts about the deaths of her parents...? A...
I know more than anyone how much reaching out a hand can save you. If she’s alone like that, I have to return the favors given to me somehow... even just a little bit. "Won’t you come live with me?" asks Mao’s birth mother, Yuzuno, appearing suddenly. Mao knows that she’s selfish, but she can’t ignore the fact that her mother is also all alone. When she was all alone, Hiro and others reached out t...
"I finally said it." Mao and Hiro finally got another chance to go on a date together, but Mao is so self-conscious, she just can’t say it. Hiro gently meets her halfway. The two of them look back on what they’ve gone through together... but finally the time to share the feelings they’ve held back so long has come! The love story of two childhood friends with an age gap has finally come to its tea...
As a child, Mao spent all her time at Hiro’s house across the street. Going to his house always made her feel cheerful. A few years later… Mao’s father gets remarried and Mao finds herself with nowhere to call home. Hiro ends up letting her stay with him in the house he is protecting all by himself since the death of his parents. However…! A love story unfolds between the two childhood friends of ...
After her father gets remarried, Mao feels like she no longer has a home and ends up moving in with Hiro, her childhood friend. Mao falls in love with Hiro, who is kind and takes care of her. Aiming to become self-reliant she gets a part-time job with Daiki, who is home for the summer break. Hiro’s been acting strange, and so, at the fireworks festival Mao inadvertently ends up asking him if he li...
"I haven’t forgotten. The dream lifestyle in his home with his family doesn’t include me... I have my own future to look forward to. But still... I don’t know how to put it into words." "I’m sorry that I made you feel that way." Daiki’s come home and Hiro’s dream is one step closer. Mao is invited to her little sister’s birthday party. How does her second trip back home go? Have each of these peop...
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