На нашем сайте представлены 115 книг автора Эд Брубейкер. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
As private eye Slam Bradley begins to investigate Selina Kyle's disappearance, she begins to reexamine her life and that of her alter ego, Catwoman.
The hunt for the Black Widow is on! And Hawkeye is on the trail! But who is hunting the hunter?! Her mind cracked and warped, can Bucky save the Black Widow...from herself? Guest-starring Wolverine!
After the death of a dream comes the return of a legend! Captain America--Steve Rogers is reborn, but is he the hero we know and love? Or is the new Captain merely a pawn of the Red Skull or perhaps something worse? That's what his friends including Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes, the Black Widow, the Falcon and more must find out before the Skull's master plan comes to fruition! And perhaps worse th...
Where has the Captain America from the '50s been the past few months, and what part of our modern world has welcomed him? And what will Steve and Bucky do when an old enemy tries to become a revolutionary? By best-selling writer Ed Brubaker with art by Luke Ross. Plus, Steve Rogers has returned, but Bucky Barnes is the current Captain America and has come into his own in the role. Will there be tw...
Новые тайные угрозы требуют от супергероев новых решений. Стив Роджерс собирает тайных Мстителей - секретную команду самых могучих супергероев Земли. Отчасти - разведчики, отчасти - супергерои, эти Мстители совершенно не похожи на своих предшественников.
He's been Bucky and Captain America - now, James Barnes returns to the role of the Winter Soldier! When ex-Russian sleeper agents awaken, the trail leads to Latveria...and Winter Soldier and the Black Widow come face-to-face with Dr. Doom! Can Marvel's super-spies prevent war with Latveria? Can Bucky stop the sleepers he himself trained? Old enemies resurface with new identities, and Win...
После ошеломляющих событий, описанных в сборнике «Капитан Америка. Возрождённый», двум героям, Стиву Роджерсу и Баки Барнсу, нужно принять решение: кто из них теперь возьмёт щит — символ американского Стража Свободы? Решение нужно принимать быстро, ведь сумасшедший Кэп из пятидесятых годов опять вступил в игру, угрожая безопасности страны изнутри. Капитан Америка и Сокол объединяются, чтобы остано...
Gotham City: a town teeming with corrupt cops, ruthless crime lords, petty thieves ... and just a small handful that would oppose them. Grizzled veteran Harvey Bullock, Captain Maggie Sawyer, Detective Renee Montoya and the GCPD are the law force that stands between order and complete anarchy. Gotham's Finest work around the clock to not only keep the world's most psychotic criminals off...
As private eye Slam Bradley begins to investigate Selina Kyle's disappearance, she begins to reexamine her life and that of her alter ego, Catwoman.
The hunt for the Black Widow is on! And Hawkeye is on the trail! But who is hunting the hunter?! Her mind cracked and warped, can Bucky save the Black Widow...from herself? Guest-starring Wolverine!
After the death of a dream comes the return of a legend! Captain America--Steve Rogers is reborn, but is he the hero we know and love? Or is the new Captain merely a pawn of the Red Skull or perhaps something worse? That's what his friends including Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes, the Black Widow, the Falcon and more must find out before the Skull's master plan comes to fruition! And perhaps worse th...
Where has the Captain America from the '50s been the past few months, and what part of our modern world has welcomed him? And what will Steve and Bucky do when an old enemy tries to become a revolutionary? By best-selling writer Ed Brubaker with art by Luke Ross. Plus, Steve Rogers has returned, but Bucky Barnes is the current Captain America and has come into his own in the role. Will there be tw...
Новые тайные угрозы требуют от супергероев новых решений. Стив Роджерс собирает тайных Мстителей - секретную команду самых могучих супергероев Земли. Отчасти - разведчики, отчасти - супергерои, эти Мстители совершенно не похожи на своих предшественников.
He's been Bucky and Captain America - now, James Barnes returns to the role of the Winter Soldier! When ex-Russian sleeper agents awaken, the trail leads to Latveria...and Winter Soldier and the Black Widow come face-to-face with Dr. Doom! Can Marvel's super-spies prevent war with Latveria? Can Bucky stop the sleepers he himself trained? Old enemies resurface with new identities, and Win...
После ошеломляющих событий, описанных в сборнике «Капитан Америка. Возрождённый», двум героям, Стиву Роджерсу и Баки Барнсу, нужно принять решение: кто из них теперь возьмёт щит — символ американского Стража Свободы? Решение нужно принимать быстро, ведь сумасшедший Кэп из пятидесятых годов опять вступил в игру, угрожая безопасности страны изнутри. Капитан Америка и Сокол объединяются, чтобы остано...
Gotham City: a town teeming with corrupt cops, ruthless crime lords, petty thieves ... and just a small handful that would oppose them. Grizzled veteran Harvey Bullock, Captain Maggie Sawyer, Detective Renee Montoya and the GCPD are the law force that stands between order and complete anarchy. Gotham's Finest work around the clock to not only keep the world's most psychotic criminals off...
As private eye Slam Bradley begins to investigate Selina Kyle's disappearance, she begins to reexamine her life and that of her alter ego, Catwoman.
The hunt for the Black Widow is on! And Hawkeye is on the trail! But who is hunting the hunter?! Her mind cracked and warped, can Bucky save the Black Widow...from herself? Guest-starring Wolverine!
After the death of a dream comes the return of a legend! Captain America--Steve Rogers is reborn, but is he the hero we know and love? Or is the new Captain merely a pawn of the Red Skull or perhaps something worse? That's what his friends including Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes, the Black Widow, the Falcon and more must find out before the Skull's master plan comes to fruition! And perhaps worse th...
Where has the Captain America from the '50s been the past few months, and what part of our modern world has welcomed him? And what will Steve and Bucky do when an old enemy tries to become a revolutionary? By best-selling writer Ed Brubaker with art by Luke Ross. Plus, Steve Rogers has returned, but Bucky Barnes is the current Captain America and has come into his own in the role. Will there be tw...
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